Widescreen Gaming Forum

Which port to which monitor?
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Author:  Deke [ 24 Oct 2009, 22:18 ]
Post subject:  Which port to which monitor?

Thought I'd ask others as I did have a problem before I changed things around.

I have the Displayport with adaptor to DVI on my left monitor, the DVI port on the left or top (looking at card from the back of computer case depending on tower or desktop) is attached to my center monitor, and the DVI port on the right or bottom is attached to my monitor on the right.

Before I had the two DVI ports switched and every time my computer went to sleep and I woke it up the center and the right screen had switched, and I had to re-setup eyefinity everytime that happened.


Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 25 Oct 2009, 06:01 ]
Post subject:  Which port to which monitor?

I had this happen to me a few times after sleep, does not seem to always happen.

Saving a profile with the right order is a fast way to fix it.

I do not think the order of connections matters I think its more to do with a conflict between windows monitor order setup and the eyefinity one.

It has not happened to me recently at all when I started messing with the two I must have gotten them to match. Recently trying to tackle my pink tint issues on my U2410 I moved connections and monitor order and I have the issue again.

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