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Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?
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Author:  metalnwood [ 01 Dec 2009, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Hi All, I currently run a TH2g0 with 2x4870's crossfired.

This is nice but I cant really play at 5040x1050 or even 4320x900 a lot of the time because of fram rate issues..

I would like to run my 3 24" monitors at full res but would currently need the new card to do it.

So is it worth it even without the bezel management? does the extra FPS and having the native resolution 1920x1200 make up for it until it's sorted out.?

I play rfactor and il2 mostly. Rfactor can be lived with I think . The flight sims are the problem ones but I have never seen these monitors running at full res with really good fps so it's hard to judge.

Any htoughts from those that took the plunge?

Author:  metalnwood [ 01 Dec 2009, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Hmm, maybe I was a bit hasty and didt read all of the messages.

Maybe eyefinity isnt ready for primetime and if I want a new GF card I should just use it to power the th2go at 5040 with nice framerates and enough grunt left to plug in my forth monitor ..

Oh, I forgot, I now need to pull some money out of my a** to get one..

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 02 Dec 2009, 07:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

I have made and sold quite a few flight sims and although I never use IL2, I can run X-Plane at high framerates at 5040x1050 using a GTX275 with graphics turned up very high.

Flight sims without bezel management aren't great, I was just posting in another thread that I have not had a single customer choose the Eyefinity solution over the TH2G solution for this reason.

Still, the 5850 with Eyefinity works fine for me, runs flight sims no problem, but you aren't as immersed because there is always that reminder in your face that you're actually sitting on the ground in front of some undercooked technology.

Author:  metalnwood [ 02 Dec 2009, 08:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Hi, thanks for the reply..

I think I have talked myself in to buying a 5970, eyefinity might be in my future but for now I will just be happy that I should be able to run everything I want at 5040x1050.

Too bad the supply in New Zealand is not at the stage of walk in and walk out. I can have one for next week by the sounds of it.

I am now thinking of upgrading to the i7 as well from my quad core 9450 although I will research this a bit. I am not sure what the jump will be like from a 9450 clocked to 3.4ghz to a i7 920 clocked to 3.6 which sounds a reasonable overclock to achieve.. decisions..

Off for research...

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 02 Dec 2009, 09:03 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Unsure if you mean to use the 5970 with the TH2G, if that's the case then just do some reading up on using a Core i7 with the TH2G - I remember a thread a while back saw users with the i7 unable to get the TH2G to work in 5040x1050 mode. Maybe they've sorted it since then though.

Author:  metalnwood [ 02 Dec 2009, 09:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Oh, that is interesting. Yes I was thinking of using the th2go with the new card until eyefinity figured out its problems.

My reading since my last post is not making the jump from my 9450 to the i7 920 sound like a good thing.. Thats obviously an objective thing. Wish I could turn it in to FPS on my sims!

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 02 Dec 2009, 22:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Also, I've heard that the 5700 series and above cant run Triplehead Resolutions through one DVI port. I haven't gotten an ETA on this. The 4800 series was able to use them as you very well know. So, that's what I'm waiting for before I buy a card, that or Bezel Management.

Author:  metalnwood [ 06 Dec 2009, 21:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

Hmm, not sure what you mean? Do you mean it can only run th2go through one of it's 2 dvi ports or through none of it's ports.

If it's only through one then thats all I need.. I have bitten the bullet so I guess it's all academic for me anyway..

BTW I was flying last night in IL2 after a reboot and didnt have bezel management on. Everything looked good as far as the horizons all lined up all of the time.. Maybe I can live without bezel management for a while..

I just hope I get ok FPS at 5760x1200 . thats if il2 happens to work at all with eyefinity. Still not sure what the story is with it. I know it will work on some supported games with the 5970 but not all.. For the rest I dont know if 100% wont work or if it's just luck..

Author:  AussieTimmeh [ 07 Dec 2009, 06:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

BTW I was flying last night in IL2 after a reboot and didnt have bezel management on. Everything looked good as far as the horizons all lined up all of the time.. Maybe I can live without bezel management for a while...

Well, I guess you mean you didn't notice that the horizon was broken when you turned. It's impossible for them to have lined up during turns or bezel management wouldn't exist.

I run a 5850 on my machine and same as you, I can fly around without it and not conciously think about it, but sometimes it's annoying. Like a mosquito flying around your head at night, once you notice it the first time that day, you can't stop noticing it.

Author:  skipclarke [ 07 Dec 2009, 14:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Is the extra res/speed worth it with no bezels?

You CANNOT rund 5040x1050 on any 5-series Radeon. ATI nerfed the drivers so that they do not support custom resolutions. Someone posted this solution for custom resolutions in the Catalyst drivers. That *MIGHT* solve your problem. I have a TH2Go DP Edition, but haven't had a chance to test it. If you buy a 5-series to try with this solution, I would buy from a retailer with a good return policy.

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