Widescreen Gaming Forum

Possible fix for flickering eyefinity
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Author:  Thran [ 05 Feb 2010, 18:41 ]
Post subject:  Possible fix for flickering eyefinity

I have finally found a solution for myself atleast for eyefinity and flickering I own a 5870 and a antec twelve hundred case.
I do not know what did it but this is the order of what I did.

1.Flashed my video card bios with a bios sent to me by sapphire. (still quite a bit of flickering after it with 9.12 hotfix) but it helped.
2.Reinstalled windows 7 and installed 10.1 and the xcode hotfix. (I had NO flickering whatsoever after this)

Now what I did notice is that flickering came back after I put my case back together. So I tested this for 2 hours of leaving the sides on and off and to my surprise it does not flicker at all when the sides are off but flickers the same when I put it on. Is this some kind of short from the DP or something? I am moving my pc to a tech station today but thought this might be a nice thing to try out if you are having the flickering issue.

Oh also I am using the monoprice dp to vga passive adapter.

Author:  Squalish [ 06 Feb 2010, 00:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible fix for flickering eyefinity

I doubt that this is an electrical problem. It sounds like an overheating component which cools down to tolerable levels when allowed fresh air.

Could you post a picture of your setup or at least tell if the videocard cooling fan is obstructed at all?

Author:  Diverge [ 06 Feb 2010, 02:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible fix for flickering eyefinity

It just sounds like coincidence.

The flickering is from either power play, overclocking, or voltages. I edited my 5970 bios, and made the memory clock the same across the board (idle/2d/3d) and set 3d clocks to 900mhz. I haven't seen flicker yet. Prior to the bios edit, I used MSI afterburner to overclock, and as soon as the monitors went to sleep (into idle mode), and then were awakened, the flickers of the 2 side DVI monitors started.

Author:  Thran [ 06 Feb 2010, 10:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible fix for flickering eyefinity

There is no obstruction and the card is running at stock. It flickers MORE in 2d mode and when its under 50c and flickers less when I am in 3d mode gaming and in games. I doubt its overheating at all nothing is blocking my fan and it has been so much cooler in my case since I replaced that card from a 8800gts (easily 20-30c difference).

Author:  Blevar [ 10 Aug 2010, 19:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Possible fix for flickering eyefinity

I own His 5770 and use HP Bizlink DP to VGA adapter. With 3x24'' 1920x1080 LCDs.
Everything is fine in 2D graphic but whenever my GPU heats up over 85C in 3D the monitor hookedup by the DP adapter flickers.
My solution was to use MSI Afterburner and adjust fan control so that my GPU wouldnt go over 85C. However Im afraid it will shorten the lifespan of my cooler - since its usually going with 80%-100% speed while gaming.

Anyway with 100% fan speed gpu still can go up to 90C - rarely thou - so my surround gaming setup is usable ... usually xD

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