Widescreen Gaming Forum

3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27
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Author:  dazboots [ 09 Apr 2010, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

if i bought 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27 it would be 7560x1440 resolution.
all 3 monitors have display port. would i still need a adapter with going so high resolution.
thx in response.

Author:  k-y [ 09 Apr 2010, 23:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

First, the horizontal resolution will actually be 7680.

Second, if you purchase the Eyefinity Edition which has 6 MiniDisplayPort outputs, then all you would need is either 1 additional MiniDP-to-DP adapter dongle or purchase DP-to-MiniDP cables from a reseller such as Monoprice.com

Author:  dazboots [ 10 Apr 2010, 13:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

I have 2x 5870 watercooled so wanting to know if i can use them without adapters.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 10 Apr 2010, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

I have 2x 5870 watercooled so wanting to know if i can use them without adapters.

Simply hook up two of the u2711's with Duel-Link DVI and the other with a DP cable. No Adapters needed.

Author:  dazboots [ 10 Apr 2010, 22:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

Thx m8 just what i wanted to know. looks like im getting 3x u2711 monitors now.
will post results soon as they arrive. thx again for the info ;)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 11 Apr 2010, 04:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: 3x Dell UltraSharp U2711 27

Thx m8 just what i wanted to know. looks like im getting 3x u2711 monitors now.
will post results soon as they arrive. thx again for the info ;)

Yeah do it, I've been looking at that monitor for a while now (I just cant justify buying 3 monitors that cost more than my computer it's self... oh wait, my monitors already exceed that... but I have 5 of them. *Shrug*). I wanna know how you like 'em cuz I might make another surround rig, powering those.

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