Widescreen Gaming Forum

force any res in window
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Author:  RSDXzec [ 04 Jul 2010, 06:33 ]
Post subject:  force any res in window

hi is there a way to force any game into window mode at a custom resolution?
because Im looking at getting a 5870 soon just for this but I have 3 monitors, two of which are different size.
1280x1024 + 1920x1080 + 1280x1024
so Id be running it at 4480x1024
right now Im on a 9800gtx with a 1280x1024 + 1920x1080 so I would like to test this at 3200x1024
Is there any way to go about this?
any programs which could help?
Im just trying to test it now before I dump $400 into a graphics card only to find it doesnt work.


Author:  Delphium [ 04 Jul 2010, 12:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: force any res in window

It very much depends on the game, some will do this, some will not.
You could try out SoftTH which is a software program to make games work across multiple monitors.
SoftTH 2.0 has just recently been released so you may like to give this a go.


Author:  RSDXzec [ 06 Jul 2010, 01:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: force any res in window

thanks a lot mate, I have heard of softTH but i couldnt get the first version working, softTH 2.0 works on a few games.

Do you know if softTH works with SLI and/or crossfire?


Author:  boxrick [ 09 Jul 2010, 02:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: force any res in window

You need to take a look at this thread.


Author:  RSDXzec [ 09 Jul 2010, 03:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: force any res in window

yes, believe it or not I actually joined this forum in order to reply to that thread. This thread was meant to be a post in that thread. But i clicked the new post button instead of the post reply because i thought new post meant it would add to that thread.

I was curious what they were using to make their games run at that res because not every game uses steam.

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