Widescreen Gaming Forum

Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons
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Author:  leethyl [ 05 Sep 2010, 18:48 ]
Post subject:  Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

Hello All,

I realised that this problem has been discussed in length in other threads and what I have found is there is a FOV hack that only works with 1.00 and 1.01. There are also statements that say it is fixed under version 1.03 so I downloaded 1.03 and installed it but still have the same problem.

I am at my wits end here and have no clue what else to do.
I am running the latest version of the ATI drivers as well

I have 2x HD5970's in XFire.

Any help would be appreciated.


Author:  leethyl [ 06 Sep 2010, 11:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

:( 15 views and not one reply??

Author:  Abram [ 06 Sep 2010, 13:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

You're just impatient. I read it on my laptop, and just checked my current install on my desktop;

I'm using 1.03 and no fix whatsoever. FOV is fine for me and I haven't had the desire to use the fix. Most HUD elements are still stretched. Though crosshair is fine. Personally, i prefer the HUD elements to be larger, since any game that will stretch them also keep them at the far corners of the screen. Having them larger makes it much easier to see them without cranking your neck.

Using the fix with any version won't do anything detrimental to your game, so go ahead and try it.

Author:  Ergonpandilus [ 06 Sep 2010, 13:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

Set Widescreen ON from settings? MP won't work in WS.

Author:  leethyl [ 06 Sep 2010, 18:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

Thanks for the reply. When u mention a fix, the only one I could find was for version 1.00 and 1.01.

Is there one for 1.03?

Author:  Ergonpandilus [ 06 Sep 2010, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

You DO NOT need the fix. When you start the game, go to options and check Widescreen setting to ON.

Changes and fixes in v1.02

General changes
- Added triple-header support to the game.
- A widescreen option has been added and can be enabled only in single player mode.

Or, are you playing the game in MP?

Author:  leethyl [ 08 Sep 2010, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

I did what u said Ergon but it doesnt work my menus and stuff is still stretched.

Author:  Abram [ 10 Sep 2010, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

And it'll stay like that. I doubt there will be another patch. Feel lucky that the actual gameplay images look fine. the STALKER games do this, too. It jsut means that devs need to be a little more informed. Multi-monitor gaming has been around for a long time, but i never really knew of it until i found this site. One great thing about Eyefinity is that it started to get multi-monitor gaming into the public consciousness more than Matrox ever did. And now that Nvidia is starting to use it, I'm hoping that we're nearing the end of fucked-up HUDs.

But for Far Cry 2, you're stuck with the stretched elements. I don't know how mod-friendly the game is, but if you cracked open the assets files and made altered teh HUD pieces to 1/3 their current width, it may look okay....

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 10 Sep 2010, 04:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

That's weird, my menus don't stretch. I'm using a 5870 and 1.03 version of the game.

Author:  Abram [ 10 Sep 2010, 13:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Far Cry 2 stretching menus and action icons

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ North American version, i assume?

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