Widescreen Gaming Forum

question about an eyefinity setup....
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Author:  john123 [ 09 Sep 2010, 21:56 ]
Post subject:  question about an eyefinity setup....

I have one 21.5" lcd monitor and 2 17" lcd monitors....would it be better to put the 21.5" in the middle of the 2 17" monitors or just go ahead and use 3 17" monitors?

Author:  Nedder [ 10 Sep 2010, 13:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: question about an eyefinity setup....

If you use 3 matched monitors, then you can use bezel compensation. With 1 being different you cannot.

Bezel compensation greatly enhances the illusion that the 3 monitors are a single panel but with the screen frames merely sitting "in front". Without bezel comp, there is a distortion as objects jump across the gap between screens.

The caveat is that the monitors need to be the same size and sometimes even brand/model. Some monitors are detected as being different enough that bezel comp is still unavailable (which is idiotic of ATI).

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