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PostPosted: 23 Dec 2010, 19:34 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010, 00:49
Posts: 11
The CCC panel and windows 'screen resolution' section both seem to not let me do this.

I bought an open box 5870 eyefinity 6 card for my sister off newegg for a great price of $279. I bought so it would be an upgrade from her gtx 275 AND be able to run the monitor I gave her (Viewsonic VP2290b) at the full resolution/refresh rate (3840x2400@41Hz). 4 single link DVI connections are used at 1920x1200@60Hz to give the monitor a 3840x2400@60Hz input. At 41Hz I got this really weird lag/tearing issue on my dad's eyefinity5 setup with his monitor (same setup) but this might be fixed in the newest driver from what I hear.

Anyway she also had a 24 inch DVI monitor that does 1920x1080 and I wanted to setup dual-monitor.

I am able to do cloning on all 5 outputs (so the vp2290b shows 4 clones on the screen) and her 24 inch montior shows full screen 1920x1080 but once I setup a 3840x2400 (2x2 output) to the VP2290b it wont let me also extend desktop to her 24 inch.

Basically I want to dual monitor but technically its a eyefinity group of 4 monitor's + 1 extended monitor. When enabilng the 5th output (2nd monitor) in the windows settings everything got reset to clone (the four inputs to the vp2290b) and still no output to the 5th port (her 2nd monitor). When chosing 'extend to' on the CCC control panel it just doesn't do anything.

So is this at all possible or will it be possible in a future driver release? This behavior seems incredibly anti-friendly to anyone who wants to use eyefinity with some like and unlike monitors.

Also what is super annoying is the stupid display being activated as soon as you plug the port in. OMFG so annoying. I have to install a custom EDID to get the spanning at the correct resolution on the VP2290b but it automaticaly activates sending it some weird mode (weird through multiple inputs) that the monitor can't do causing it to blink amber.

I have to hook everything up and boot into VGA only mode in order to install the custom EDID file and with the newest driver version (10.13) it activates the montior even when I install a custom driver for it from the device manager (devmgmt.msc) which is also very annoying. Is there anyway to disable this behavior? It makes setting things up require a ton of reboots into vga only mode.


PostPosted: 24 Dec 2010, 06:04 
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Joined: 20 Aug 2009, 04:20
Posts: 2351
Location: Virginia
Whoa that's weird. This should not be happening.

I assume you're using active adapters, which one's?

If you're using active single-link MiniDP->DVI adapters
Also try plugging in every monitor. Then clone the 4 that are going to be in a group.
Extend the other monitor to it's own desktop. Setup the group. Then it should work.

If you're using active duel-link MiniDP->DVI adapters
You're just going to have to play with it, power cycling the adapters until it works.

System Core: | Intel Core i5-2500K + ASUS P8Z68-V + 16GB Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1333 MHz | Win7 x64 | MSI R7970 Lightning 3GB [1105/1400] |
Display: | 3 x Dell Ultrasharp 3007WFP-HC @ 7680x1600 | Dell u3011 |

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2010, 06:24 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010, 00:49
Posts: 11
Its not the adapter. I am using two passive and two active DP -> Single link adapter. Cloning works so I know its not the adapters. Once I do cloning to the four outputs I want in a group it also will not let me do extended desktop.

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2010, 05:00 
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Joined: 20 Aug 2009, 04:20
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That's odd. Right now I'm using two different desktops where one is an eyefinity group (4800x2560 and 1600x1200).

System Core: | Intel Core i5-2500K + ASUS P8Z68-V + 16GB Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1333 MHz | Win7 x64 | MSI R7970 Lightning 3GB [1105/1400] |
Display: | 3 x Dell Ultrasharp 3007WFP-HC @ 7680x1600 | Dell u3011 |

PostPosted: 02 Mar 2011, 04:19 

Joined: 16 Mar 2010, 00:49
Posts: 11
That's odd. Right now I'm using two different desktops where one is an eyefinity group (4800x2560 and 1600x1200).

Just thought I would update this that it looks like it was a driver issue. With 10.12 it just ignored it everytime I added a display as 'extended' but when upgrading to 11.2 (my sister was having some issues with that driver hang issue and 10 sec lag spike so updated drivers in an attempt to fix) I was finally able to have a 2x2 display group (3840x2400) + 1920x1080 as extended desktop. This was important as she is using my vp2290b and the 4 inputs are going to a single monitor.

Once i verified this my dad just ordered an eyefinity6 card as well. He is tripple monitor at work and also runs a vp2290b so needs 4 of the outupts for the vp2290b, a dell 3007 WFP and a dell 2407 WFP.

Newegg has a really good deal right now on the 5870 eyefinity 6 as its only $279. Also I found a seller on ebay that sells OEM active DP -> Dual link DVI adapters for around $50 shipped which is a lot cheaper than the $100+ they are from everywhere else I see them being sold (My dad needed one for his dell 3007wfp).

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