Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity 1 over 3 set up _ help needed... new set up
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Author:  TDS [ 24 Feb 2011, 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity 1 over 3 set up _ help needed... new set up

Have 6970's crossfired and 4 24 in monitor in a 1 over three set up.

Two monitors are hooked to the DVI, and two are hooked to the DP port via a adapter. All monitors are working and detected.

What I wanted to do was to be able to game on the three while having my desktop up on the top 4th one. If I am thinking correctly... if not please enlighten me on why I would want a 4th up top. I was under the impression I could have my desk top up there with monitoring programs while having my game on the bottom spanned three.

I appreciate any and all help.


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