Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity grouped resolution lower than native
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Author:  xoroku [ 21 May 2011, 23:19 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity grouped resolution lower than native

The problem I'm having is that Eyefinity in grouped mode doesn't let me go higher than 4800x900 even though the native resolution of the 3 monitors is 1920x1080.
I have 3 Asus VH242H all of them connected using DVI. One of them is connected to my XFX 6950(reference model) with the Sapphire Active MDP to S-Link DVI adapter.

At first, the drivers weren't recognizing my monitor, defaulting it to "Generic Non-PNP Monitor" when using the adapter.
I fixed this problem by pluging the monitor with DVI (i.e. without the adapter) and using Moninfo to create a driver (.INF).
I then reconnected the monitor with the adapter and changed the default driver with the one created with Moninfo. I also restarted and resintalled the drivers.

The monitor is now recognized as being an Asus VH242H by windows(Devices and Printers) and Moninfo but not by CCC (11.5a) which still lists it as "Unknown". However, the monitor has all the correct resolutions and refresh rates.

Is there any way to force CCC to let me select 5760x1080? Could the adapter be at fault?
I have tried many different solutions and read everything I could about this kind of problem but unfortunately for me, the most commons issues seem to relate to bezel compensation and adapters causing flicker.

Thanks for you help.

EDIT: I have found why the resolution is reverting back to 1600x900 being the lowest common resolution. In CCC desktop properties the available resolutions for my monitor is 1080p but in the basic section the max resolution is 1680x1050. the other monitors have a maximum basic resolution of 1920x1080. I have tried creating different drivers using Phoenix EDID Designer and Moninfo but none of them seem to give the right options for basic resolutions in CCC.

Author:  tucker01 [ 17 Nov 2011, 07:27 ]
Post subject:  I'm having the same problem.

I'm having the same problem. Did you ever come up with a solution ?

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