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PostPosted: 05 Sep 2011, 14:56 

Joined: 05 Sep 2011, 14:38
Posts: 13
Its quite depressing how much work such a damn triple monitor setup makes.. we fly to the moon... but with only two monitors as it seems...

I have trouble as well to get the three monitors runnin.
But i think my prob might be a bit diffrent from most experiences.


6970 PCS+
3 Benq g2420HD (With 1 D-Sub(vga) , 1 hdmi and 1 dvi plug

1. monitor - HDMI (in the monitor) to DVI (at the card)
2. monitr - DVI to DVI
3. monitor - D-SUB (vga) to DVI to miniDP via Active SINGLE link dvito miniDP adapter

Result: 2 monitors working one isnt.. simply...

I also tried to run the 3rd monitor with DVI to active single link adapter-miniDP
same issue...

The funny thing is i dont even get a single montor running on the miniDP no matter if i use the DVI or vga cable...
Should this work? is my craphics card broken maybe or another issue?

next thing is, if i plug all in the config i think was the most clever one (like above just with DVI at the adapterminiDP)
Windows shows me 3 monitors, but the third isnt shown as benq but as "VGA display" .
I cant extend on it if i plug only 2 AND i can go with my moue on it BUT without seeing anything! the monitor says no signal..
if i plug all three i cant extend on the third "VGA display" one, it says it cant save the settings...

Ive read posts and things fo hours now.. im clueless...
can anyone pleeasE! help?


PostPosted: 07 Sep 2011, 18:42 

Joined: 05 Sep 2011, 14:38
Posts: 13
I now borrowed an active miniDP DUAL link adapter with usb power supply (that 100€ thingy) form my office and it was plug n play...

I also bought another active single link adapter (30€) to VGA - jsut to test that one too...
Ill post the result here since noone else seems to know more about that topic as soon as its delivered.

Still i got another "bug" even with the expensve active adapter.
It went to no signal after tabbin out and in a few times of bf2bc and back.
de and re plugging (hotplugging) helped but i gotta check why this is, cause i dont wanna climb behind my pc everytime... i gues sit has sth to do with the refresh rates.. dunno..


PostPosted: 09 Sep 2011, 18:36 

Joined: 05 Sep 2011, 14:38
Posts: 13
As promised ill date this up again,

Since noone was "answering" yet i think either this was too boring or nobody had a clue about it. So i changed the topic a bit, so IF there are other people out there with problems (and im SO sure there are) they might find this useful.

I now got the new adapter (active SINGLE link 30€)

first of all, this one worked at my machine without difficulties. I can set up all three monitors with it without trouble at all and in full hd each (1920*1080)
I was a bit frightened that the vga connetion might look crappy but, wether im half blind or there are no noticeable (maybe measurable) diffrences.

And I also changed my cables to (direction is always form monitor to card) :
1.Monitor VGA to VGA active Adapter (mentioned above) to miniDP adapter (delivered with graphixcard)
2. Monitor HDMI to HDMI
3. Monitor HDMI to DVI (no adapter - cable integradet)

I had some issues with an DVI to DVi on the third monitor... heck knows why.. cable is ok i know that but well.. dunno... this cable worked fine.

NOTICE : it MIGHT do a diffrence which DVI port at ur GraCard you use , since for example my 6970 has a Dual link DVI and a Single link DVI Output.
I experienced that some combinations of using the slots might result in black screens. I wont go any further in that cause its a lot possibilies , just be sure to try some combinations before u throw the pc out of the window in nerdrage.

I had some other Issues with 2nd monitor since the picture wasnt really sharp and a BIT blurry.
Also it had black bars at all corners.
to solve this u got to unable "over/underscan" of your monitor (in monitor menu) and put the overscan option in the CCC to 0% ! (its at the scaling options - ull find it)
by doing so u ll get a REAL sharp picture - since HDMI signals are digital , dont believe this has sth to do with ur cable quality since, digital technology is mostly do or die , meaning wether u get 100% quality or no picture.

Ill report if my "bug" mentioned above (DP monitor going black after tabbing in and out a few times) is gone too with the new setup.
I still think it has sth to do with the translation of the whatever to DP translation while changing refreshrates. I also read that this MIGHT have sth to do with too small PC power supply.
Im runnin 550 W so this MIGHT be true - but not proved yet.
Ill date this up in a few days or so as soon as i know more.

Im pretty happy i got this running now without buying expensive active DUAL link adapters (with usb power )
and I hope this thread will help people, since due to my experience there arent many helpful threads in the web and most people dont know how to distance - troubleshoot too.

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