Widescreen Gaming Forum

Sapphire Active Displayport to Single-Link DVI Adapter Fail?
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Author:  SLRist [ 23 Dec 2011, 11:42 ]
Post subject:  Sapphire Active Displayport to Single-Link DVI Adapter Fail?

I had one of these Sapphire adapter cables (purchased from Amazon UK) connecting my third Samsung SyncMaster 940 BF (1280 x 1024 resolution) to my Sapphire Radeon HD 6850 1GB:

This worked fine - the cable was instantly seen by Windows 7, and I was able to set up Eyefinity across my 3 identical monitors.

After about 4 days of use - mostly playing HalfLife 2 and Counter Strike Source in Eyefinity mode - the game went jittery (across all 3 screens) and I had to re-boot.

After booting - the cable is no longer recognised by Windows. Removing it and replacing it and rebooting has no effect.

Is this a known issue?

Is it likely that the cable is dead or the DisplayPort in the graphics card?

Is it worth me getting a replacement, or would I be better choosing something else instead? There seems to be some difference of opinion on the forum reading through some related posts, but I can't find this particular cable referenced.

Many thanks.

Author:  Haldi [ 23 Dec 2011, 14:36 ]
Post subject:  No Warranty? RMA?

No Warranty? RMA?

Author:  SLRist [ 23 Dec 2011, 15:37 ]
Post subject:  Haldi wrote:No Warranty?

No Warranty? RMA?

Yes, it has a warranty - I can just return it for an exchange - assuming it's the cable that has failed. I'm wondering whether I should instead get a refund and go with a VGA adapter (although I'd prefer to run my screens digital) or get one with USB power.

Are these cables are known to be decent? - assuming you're running relatively low resolution.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 24 Dec 2011, 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Id get a replacement adapter

Id get a replacement adapter and see if that works. If it fails again, I would try another adapter. It's not particularly good to use vga on a digital panel. Plus the vga adapters can have the same problems.

Author:  SLRist [ 24 Dec 2011, 13:52 ]
Post subject:  suiken_2mieu wrote:Id get a

Id get a replacement adapter and see if that works. If it fails again, I would try another adapter. It's not particularly good to use vga on a digital panel. Plus the vga adapters can have the same problems.

Fair comment, thanks. Reading some posts, I was worried that it didn't have USB power, but I figured that Sapphire must understand the limitations of their own technology, right?

Author:  KryptoNyte [ 25 Dec 2011, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  I got 14 months out of that

I got 14 months out of that exact adapter before it failed. Here in the US, they have a 3 month warranty.

Author:  jl003 [ 26 Dec 2011, 21:18 ]
Post subject:  I have the same adapter. It

I have the same adapter. It worked fine initially. After a month or so, my pc would come back from sleep or hibernate and my third monitor using this adapter would not be detected. Unplug, replug worked fine for a few months.

After that, I started to have the issue where it would come back after unplug/replug but it would not support the monitors max/recommended resolution (1920x1080) with 1280x1024 the highest it would support. My troubles and failed attempts at solving them are detailed in this thread.

Kryptonyte: Could you describe what you mean when you say yours failed? Do you have a similar issue as me, or did it just completely stop working one day?

I am currently looking around for a replacement active adapter to solve my issue, any recommendations? It sounds like there aren't any options that are better than the other and that it's sort of a crapshoot finding something that actually works. What did you guys end up with?

Author:  Delphium [ 16 Feb 2012, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  @SLRist - can you confirm

@SLRist - can you confirm that your GPU has a 2nd displayport output, has the adaptor been tested with the alternative output?

If it still fails, then its a sure sign the adaptor has failed. if it works, then it could well be the port on the GPU.

Author:  Davros [ 26 Feb 2012, 17:02 ]
Post subject:  I have the same adapter, you

I have the same adapter, you have me worried now :(

Author:  Skripka [ 26 Feb 2012, 17:31 ]
Post subject:  Yea, I purchased a

Yea, I purchased a MiniDP->DVI adapter from Sapphire with "Eyefinity Support" written all over the box from Egg. 3rd monitor not even seen by Windows. Went to Apple store (only B&M store that stocks MiniDP adapters), bought a miniDP->VGA adapters. Works basically. Though I get link failures when Windows puts my monitors to sleep.

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