Widescreen Gaming Forum

5 monitor setup eyefinity help! disable monitors?
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Author:  chall65 [ 24 Mar 2012, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  5 monitor setup eyefinity help! disable monitors?

I have a 6950 flex 2g/windows 7/4gb ram

i am trying to set up eyefinity with my 5 screens. all 5 are up and running and they are currently extended displays.

when i go to the amd vision control center to set up eyefinity, it says the displays must be disabled in order to create a group. it then says it will disable for my by pressing continue. when i press continue it does nothing. how can i get this working right? it shouldnt be this difficult. the continue button in the control center doesnt seem to do anything. ive unistalled and reinstalled twice.

obviously the screens need to be disabled, or duplicated to my main screen, but i cant figure out how to do that.

any help please!!!

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 24 Mar 2012, 18:57 ]
Post subject:  This is what I have to do to

This is what I have to do to get them running correctly.

  1. Go into CCC then click on the "Desktop Management Tab."

  2. Click on "Creating and Arranging Desktops"

  3. Now under "Please select a display" disable all displays except 1 by using the drop down menu when you right click the down arrow on the monitors.

  4. Now under that same place, right click the disabled monitors and duplicate them all. Every monitor icon should not have 1 on the top left hand corner.

  5. Next go to the "AMD Eyefinity (TM) Multi-Display" Tab and Click on the "Create Eyefinity Display Group" and make sure not to disable any displays w hen it ask.

  6. Follow the on screen instructions and arrange the monitors at the end of the group and now you should be in 5x1 greatness.

I hope this helps.

EDIT: Tl,Dr: Make sure you duplicate all the displays you want to eyefinity with before you try to make an eyefinity group. It make a pseudo group in chich makes the process easier.

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