Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity/Single/Extended Switching
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Author:  drinfernoo [ 11 Jul 2012, 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity/Single/Extended Switching

I like to use my triple monitors for different things. I usually use my monitors Extended for everyday computing. I typically switch to Eyefinity for games (BF3, Diablo 3, Portal, etc.). I have found that some games just are terrible in Eyefinity (BL, Spore), so I decided to try and figure out a solution to disable my outside monitors for those games, as well as movies and the like.

Using the Catalyst preset solution, I can switch between Eyefinity 5760x1080, Extended 3x1920x1080, and a Single 1920x1080, via hotkeys. However, this nearly always causes my a) desktop icons to change position, b) Rainmeter skins to change position, and c) _monitors_ to change position.

I can live with a and b. The one that becomes a real pain is c. According to CCC, my monitors are set up as 1-2*-3 left to right in Extended mode, 1-1*-1 in Eyefinity, and 2* in Single. This works fine but when I change from Eyefinity to Extended, it shows them as 2*-3-1, so that I have to move my mouse way off the side of the right-hand monitor to end up on the left-hand desktop. Not really doing it for me. I can go back to CCC and rearrange my monitors, but that is incredibly inconvenient. I would leave my displays in Eyefinity all the time if it weren't for what I asked about here.

Has anyone found a good solution/fix/alternative to this?

I found this, but I don't really understand it.

Author:  Delphium [ 11 Jul 2012, 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Hi likewise I frequently run

Hi likewise I frequently run in this method of display, extended 99% of the time and eyefinity for games, very rarely do i go down to 1.

However I use a tool called "Fences" by Stardock, it allows me to pin my icons to the desktop and save the location, Fences can even remeber postions when you change resolutions per resolution, so each setup can be setup exactly as you wan it, regarding the icons at least.

Example, when switching from extended to eyefinity, my icons remain in the EXACT same position for each display setup... you do have to set the positions for each resolution first but after this its plain sailing and so much nicer to work with.

Rainmeter I am not sure about.

Author:  Haldi [ 11 Jul 2012, 17:06 ]
Post subject:  "Fences" mhmm gotta try that

"Fences" mhmm gotta try that out !

About the Other Methode.... it's kinda complicated. Just use Trial & Error to set Screen locations and try out if it works.

Author:  Nox Deleo [ 11 Jul 2012, 17:39 ]
Post subject:  After all the glitches with

After all the glitches with catalyst profiles a (longish) while back, I took to using the win+p shortcut...don't know how this does it's thing (possibly exactly the same as catalyst profiles), but it's worth a quick try to see if you get a different (more desirable) behaviour to profile switching.

Author:  drinfernoo [ 11 Jul 2012, 18:41 ]
Post subject:  I've looked at Fences... I

I've looked at Fences... I use DisplayFusion to manage my monitors usually, multi-monitor taksbar and the like, and it allows you to save icon profiles, but that function isn't very reliable. So Fences works a little better?

I can "trial-and-error" my monitors into the correct position, but whenever I switch from Eyefinity to Extended, it "errors" them back to not being right. :(

Author:  drinfernoo [ 11 Jul 2012, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Does the pixel arrangement

Does the pixel arrangement change when you change display modes? Shouldn't the top-left of monitor 1 still be (0,0), monitor 2 (1921,0), and monitor 3 (3841,0)? It occured to me that stuff switching places might be caused by them getting messed up or changed around.

Author:  Delphium [ 11 Jul 2012, 23:46 ]
Post subject:  somtimes the profile does not

somtimes the profile does not fully take, try running the same profile twice nad it shuffles back into place.

Not sure why this happens but its been a random bug since many earlier versions of the drivers.

Author:  chieftex [ 12 Jul 2012, 00:42 ]
Post subject:  Delphium wrote:somtimes the

somtimes the profile does not fully take, try running the same profile twice nad it shuffles back into place.

Not sure why this happens but its been a random bug since many earlier versions of the drivers.

^ THIS. I pulled my hair out until I did this accidentally about 6 months ago. I now almost have all my hair back!

Press the same hotkey AGAIN once it has switched to the wrong order, and it will correct the order. The way I "fixed" it before I did this, was to unplug all monitors from my video card apart from the left monitor (I have 3 monitors). Then I connect the middle monitor, then the right one. That way, windows calls them 1,2,3 in order, and setting up eyefinity in the default order always meant that my hotkey set the correct order first time. You only have to do this each time you reinstall a catalyst driver, not everytime you boot the pc, luckily :)

Author:  drinfernoo [ 12 Jul 2012, 06:40 ]
Post subject:  Delphium wrote:somtimes the

somtimes the profile does not fully take, try running the same profile twice nad it shuffles back into place.

Not sure why this happens but its been a random bug since many earlier versions of the drivers.

Each time I switch?

Author:  Delphium [ 12 Jul 2012, 07:57 ]
Post subject:  drinfernoo wrote:Each time I

Each time I switch?

Sadly yes... OR do what I did a while back and use a .bat file to run it twice for me.

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