Dear Widescreengamers,
As mentioned in the other topic I just opened, I have two issues regarding my multi-monitor setup. I have been using my setup for years and every now and then I search the internets for help on these issues. So far without luck.
My second issue is related to Hydravision (I guess, maybe it's Windows ?). I have a Hydragrid that divides the Single large screen in 3 sections, corresponding to my 3 monitors in Landscape mode. Works like a charm, I can just click Maximize and windows will maximize to one screen instead of the Single Large Display. Also, Windows 7 remembers window size and position. Except for one situation: If I maximize a window to 1 screen, then close it and later reopen that window, the window will suddenly span the Single Large Display, instead of the screen it used to be on. I find this rather frustrating because it ALWAYS happens. Every time I open and close my internet browser, Word, Excell, anything, I have to press Restore Down, drag it to the desired screen and Maximize to return it to its previous position. This is so time inefficient and frustrating that I find myself leaving my browser open, just so that I won't have to restore its position
Does everyone just accept this annoyance, or is the solution so obvious that I'm just the only one that hasn't figured it out yet ?
(OR: am I just suffering from an acute attack of Autism/OCD or something and should I just accept this? )