Widescreen Gaming Forum

Desktop curved screens??
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Author:  theMightyAtom [ 26 Jun 2013, 07:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

Hi OmniAtlas,

Have you access to a laser cutter?

I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't make a quick plug for Infinitx.


This is a modular cylindrical screen system we've developed. Each module is 60 degrees, and you can put them together to form 60, 120, 180 etc. upto 360, and in one or two rows. There are two radius sizes, 1m and 1.5m. The illustration is two units, 1m radius, which is perfect for one person playing FPS. Add another unit and you have a 180 simulator set-up.

We are planning to make it available in 3 ways. As a finished cabinet, as a kit, and for those who have access to a laser cutter, as a plan.
The tricky components are the mirrors, as you've discovered. We will be selling those as separate items as well.
If you have access to a laser cutter, you could make a 2 unit set-up for your budget, including 2 projectors.

There's a couple of thread about the project here on WSGF:

If you are interested in getting in on the beta program, drop me a line :)


Author:  marius@warpalizer [ 26 Jun 2013, 08:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:

Here we use rear projection cubes for this. Bezelless, you can set them up to work with in a "curve", a edgy curve. hehe.

Haven't tested them with gaming yet tho. :) Cool project, if you can make it affordable!

Author:  OmniAtlas [ 27 Jun 2013, 04:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:
Hi OmniAtlas,

Have you access to a laser cutter?

I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't make a quick plug for Infinitx.

If you are interested in getting in on the beta program, drop me a line :)


Hi MightyAtom, your project looks very interesting -- I don't have the room right now but I would be looking to do a curve screen view sometime around next year. I'm planning to get a projector sometime by the end of the year.

Does your projector with one projector, or is 2 the minimum?

I found a more detailed closer up view of the Cobra simulation curve screen and mirror --

Seems the most expensive part would be structural, I'm wondering if parts from ikea could be setup similarly :)

Edit -- don't know why youtube links are not working -- here is the direct link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F36SHN_FykM

Author:  theMightyAtom [ 27 Jun 2013, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

The Cobra looks good. Also looks very much like the iDome.
You can build an iDome with a standard security mirror, that costs around £50, as appose to £6000 for a Cobra (minus projector!!).
Check out the brilliant Paul Bourkes and his creations, if you haven't already. He's been building these things for years...

It all comes down to your level of DIY skills :)

We want to make infinitx as affordable/expandable as possible and so that you can choose a solution that suits your budget and your workshop.
The "pre-cut" version, you only need an hex key and a rubber hammer to assemble, then it's up to you how much time/money you spend on the finish.

Good luck with whichever way you choose to go!


Author:  OmniAtlas [ 27 Jun 2013, 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:
The Cobra looks good. Also looks very much like the iDome.
You can build an iDome with a standard security mirror, that costs around £50, as appose to £6000 for a Cobra (minus projector!!).
Check out the brilliant Paul Bourkes and his creations, if you haven't already. He's been building these things for years...


Yes, I've been following Paul bourke work. You need a first surface curve mirror which is not cheap -- I got a quote from the same Australia supplier for ~ 600 AUD. I can't find any first surface mirrors at the site you quoted?

I'll be keeping tabs on your project; please let me know how it goes!

Author:  bahnzii [ 27 Jun 2013, 17:04 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:
...If you are interested in getting in on the beta program, drop me a line :)

I would definitely be interested...let me shoot you a pm :)

Author:  theMightyAtom [ 27 Jun 2013, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

The plastic security mirrors are first surface mirrors, or at least all the ones I've come across. I have one in the workshop, though it's a bit scratched. Shame I never built anything with it. :roll:
I take it you are in Australia? Otherwise I can send it you to play with, if you could cover the postage
If you are in Oz, I am positive you can find one. Look on dome forums, I remember I read a lot of reviews before taking the plunge.

The reason I dropped hemisphere constructions in favour of Cylindrical, is they fill too much and there's not enough floor space for more than one person. Another thing you will discover with extreme warping, text get's blurred. No problem for games, but for museum exhibits and showing real estate projects (one has to pay the bills!) it can be an issue.

Today we tested infinitx with a refined stainless steel mirror array. No warping software, no blending software. Worked a treat :)
Ok, it was an absolute bitch to calibrate (there I can envy the software approach), but 200 grams of MM's later it was done forever. Must remember to add a bag of MM's with each purchase.


If it looks a bit funky, it's because we set a transparent piece of acrylic in. It's easier when you're adjusting the physical positions of the projectors to be able to see through the screen. If I look a bit funky, it's coz I'm working 18 hours a day preparing for launch while looking for our next round of funding!

Cheers :cheers:

Author:  BHawthorne [ 28 Jun 2013, 02:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:

Looks good. I'm still partial to software correction for ease of use, but then again I'm a bit bias. :onethumb:

Author:  bahnzii [ 28 Jun 2013, 06:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Desktop curved screens??

theMightyAtom wrote:
...No warping software, no blending software. Worked a treat :)

Wow, that's impressive no blending software.
I assume you could still use Nthusim or Warpalizer to ease the setup??

I'm guessing from the image the rough dimensions are about 4ft x 5ft x 2ft (height x width x depth)...full depth (of the arc) looks to be about 3 - 3.5ft.
Side comment...I never knew the term for the depth of an arc is "sagitta"...cool :)

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