This may be old news but here it is anyway...
I have 3 Acer V223W monitors that run fine with the TH2G. I think the "V" stands for "value", i.e., cheap. I guess I got lucky. I didn't research rates before buying. These are very similar (maybe identical electrically) to the other Acer 223's.
With all 3 running thru the TH2G Digital, Windows reports 57hz without setting up any customs settings. When I use each monitor's built-in info screen they too report 57hz.
Sorry scavvenjahh and all but I need amend this post:
My monitors do report 57hz when I have the TH2G set for 5040x1050.
But... even though the TH2G (and Windows) is set at 5040x1050 each monitor reports only 1680x 1024 at 57hz as its input. For some reason they are not receiving 1050 from the TH2G for the vertical scan count.
??? I'm not sure why this is. I thought it might be because my cards (2 8800GTs in SLI) can't put out more than 4,096,000 pixels max. But even 5040x1024 overruns that limit so I'm stumped. I did some searching and can't find a card that can do more than 4,096,000 pixels. Am I off in my thinking? I did some forums searches but haven't seen any discussions of this issue. Can someone educate me or point me to any treads that address this. Maybe I should start a new thread and ask for help.