Widescreen Gaming Forum

HELP! - COD4 PC vers. - middle monitor TH2GO digital version
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Author:  Tulamat [ 18 Aug 2008, 22:35 ]
Post subject:  HELP! - COD4 PC vers. - middle monitor TH2GO digital version

Hey man, I have installed the last update firmware/driver with the new resolutions, but now I can't play COD4 and others games like AArmy in the MIDDLE MONITOR!!!!
Is working with the only LEFT monitor (i have 3 monitors: left and righ side are 22" and the middle monitor is an 24")?
How can I resolve this BIG problem (I suppose not only for me)?
I want to play with the 24" monitor (if possible)..
Help me please!!
Thanks in advance!

P.S.: some months ago on the web there was a fix (made by Matrox) for resolve this problem but I can't find it again!!!

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 18 Aug 2008, 23:12 ]
Post subject:  HELP! - COD4 PC vers. - middle monitor TH2GO digital version


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