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LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Aug 2008, 02:47 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

As at 191.06 it appears that 5040 and DX10 is enabled, just install the driver, latest GXM and firmware from Matrox and run the Wizard. YAAAYYYY!!!! Note The latest ATi drivers also appwear to allow 5040 :)

If you are trying to get 5040 res with 177.92 or latter NVidia driver (ATi cards can't do 5040 res, sorry) your monitors might give you an 'out of range' (or similar) error. This is often not a fault of your monitor but a driver/PowerdeskSE/GXM problem. You can try either of the 2 options below:

OPTION ONE: Try this unofficial GXM if you have a 200 series card: I have an UNOFFICIAL BETA version of the PowerDesk-SE software which fixes the 'out of range' error and works under Vista and Win7. However this only works for 200 series cards (GTX260, 280, 285 and 295). Try at your own risk, get it from this thread.
Note: There has been some success using this GXM with cards other than 200 series, i.e. 8800GTX. Give it a whirl!

OPTION TWO: if you don't have 200 series card try a custom resolution: (and see note above) according to Mattsimis here (and tidied up repost here) you can set 5040 up as a custom res in up-to 180.48 and latter drivers. Give it a go :)

READ OTHER THREADS: Some people have figured other ways but the 2 above are the main, and most successful, ones :) This is the official thread but we have figured out that many of the problems are with the latest NV drivers (latter than 177.92) and Vista...install XP it works fine with the latest drivers ;)

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 28 Aug 2008, 09:25 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

Yo bud ...
Thanks for the heads-up ... :D

I tried the BETA 177.92 drivers in XP ... all is well but I had to uninstall and reinstall PowerDesk to get 5040x1050 to be selectable.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 28 Aug 2008, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

I've got SoftTH running 5040x1050 with nvidia's 177.92 beta drivers on Vista Ultimate 64bit. I checked the desktop and ran Portal and both worked fine.

So I guess it isn't the drivers, but something about the TripleHead2Go?

Author:  Mud [ 15 Sep 2008, 15:44 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

The newer WHQLs (177.41) also work fine for 5040x1050 under Vista 64 with triplehead2go digital.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 25 Sep 2008, 21:15 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

And, I am afraid, neither will the new WHQL 178.13, at least not in Vista 64bit.

The same as the BETA drivers you can change the Edit Mode List to the maximum I have ever seen on it (I have never, even on the old drivers that do 5040, seen more than 3x1360x768 or 1280x800 on that list) to get those resolutions but no joy on 5040.

The other wierd thing is that under monitor properties the Matrox is listed but also 3 other 'default' monitors which are greyed out...

As an aside do other people see 3x1680x1050 when they go to the edit mode list on the gxm?

Author:  Mud [ 25 Sep 2008, 21:25 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

I concur, I can't set 3x1440x900 or 3x1680x1050 with the newest drivers and had to roll back. My mode list looks the same as yours.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 25 Sep 2008, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

Weird thing is during using the working driver the 3x1680x1050 is still not displayed in the gxm, but you can select the res no probs in the desktop.

Having looked through the matrox site I see that the 3x1680x1050 SHOULD be displayed in the gxm..I have never seen it. Is this a vista only erro? Or vista 64bit only error? Anyone like to check their vista system and post it here

Author:  Mud [ 25 Sep 2008, 22:39 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

I've uninstalled the driver now, but am pretty sure I couldn't choose above 3x1360x768 even in regular display settings. I can select 3x1680x1050 in GXM with 177.35 or 177.41. This is with 177.35:

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 25 Sep 2008, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

Cheers Mud, so with 177.41 I have 5040 no probs but I do not have the 3x1680x1050 in the GXM. Looks like it is just my system then!

Author:  khula [ 26 Sep 2008, 01:32 ]
Post subject:  LOOK: Vista/Win7 and 5040x1050?: FIXES IN 1st POST!

You can't have 5040x1050 in the 'Edit Mode' list. I think it's because it's a custom resolution to the NVidia driver but a native one to the TH2Go (if that makes sense).

I can confirm that the 178.13 drivers work wonderfully in XP 32bit. No probs at all. In Vista 64 bit however, it's a no go. Back to the 175.19 I'm afraid.

Of course this means that Surround DX10 gaming is still not available. (Good lord, I seem to do nothing but bang on about that - it does bug me though).

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