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PostPosted: 22 Feb 2009, 23:13 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
well then i been trying to fix this my self now a lite wile but with no sucses.

i got my 5040*1050 runing just fine
but i nead to add in costume resselutions on all the other reselutions in other words i nead to add every reselution from 1680*1050 and up also in 57 Hz cuse now thay are in ordanary 60Hz option only and well are having problems, only desplaying 5040*1050 in ress options in games and so on.
well i found the nvidia panell and tried to create my first one using 5040*1050 templat alredy there... like i did last time. but every time i click on the test buten my comuter eather crash ( blue screen ) or nv4_disp driver crah and i go to a res of 640 *320 i think i cant see :P and 16 colers ... over 3 screens and i nead to restart :P

my problem is i did the same ting before i reinstaled with no problems ....

can sombody out there come up with and ide on wat can be wrong ... i have updated nvidia drivers , i got the newest directx driver. did i perhaps instal my 5040*1050 ting wrong ?

any input or help woud be nice :)

sorry for typos from hell :P


PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 07:15 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
Posts: 1512
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The only thing I can think of is totally clean out your NVidia driver and matrox drivers (use drivercleaner) and do a good reg clean etc etc. Then start from scratch, reinstall everything one at a time... but I suppose you have done that?

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 15:52 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
The only thing I can think of is totally clean out your NVidia driver and matrox drivers (use drivercleaner) and do a good reg clean etc etc. Then start from scratch, reinstall everything one at a time... but I suppose you have done that?

i am a nub i did fix it som wat .... i downt work like before.... but close egnuf ... eve online in window mode works now fine and all other games did work alredy i cant use the new reselutions in fullscreen but in window mode in eve :P and i forgot to post that here :P was the antivirus that stoped the drivers from instaling properly :P

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2009, 20:08 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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Your AV did? Thats bad, what programme is that so we know for the future?

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2009, 06:39 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
Your AV did? Thats bad, what programme is that so we know for the future?

well as a general info i learnd to turn of my av so it dont stop the instal file from edeting in sensetive system files... as my McAfee do as it got a SystemGards preotection . making shure system files aint being edidted :P and i instald that before my drivers :P

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2009, 07:18 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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Thanks, nice to be able to tell others who have a similar problem.

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2009, 10:47 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
Thanks, nice to be able to tell others who have a similar problem.

i look at this as my new golden rule .. after re instaling windows or if you are to instal somting that you know wil alter somting in your core of windows unplug your tp cabel and turn of your av totaly then instal it ... after restarts and sutch put it all back on and plug in your tp -_-

dont forget the last one :P

PostPosted: 06 Mar 2009, 15:07 

Joined: 28 May 2007, 03:10
Posts: 845
Just a note regarding driver cleaning. When I fixed a scaling/timing issue some time ago I notice that neither nvidia's uninstaller nor a dedicated drivercleaner delete the all important keys under:


Under there is {}00x

Not sure if the number in {} is same on every system, search for the one named "Display adapters".

Theres usually at least an entry for 0000, more if you've used multiple monitors.

The issue I had was that for whatever reason the timing parameters saved as the native res. (1920x1080) to have a black bar all around.

Just uninstalling drivers and even the driver cleaner didn't help. Uninstalling and deleting the 000x keys before a reinstall did.

Kind of dumb, seeing as it seems most settings are saved in those keys.

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2009, 11:29 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
Just a note regarding driver cleaning. When I fixed a scaling/timing issue some time ago I notice that neither nvidia's uninstaller nor a dedicated drivercleaner delete the all important keys under:


Under there is {}00x

Not sure if the number in {} is same on every system, search for the one named "Display adapters".

Theres usually at least an entry for 0000, more if you've used multiple monitors.

The issue I had was that for whatever reason the timing parameters saved as the native res. (1920x1080) to have a black bar all around.

Just uninstalling drivers and even the driver cleaner didn't help. Uninstalling and deleting the 000x keys before a reinstall did.

Kind of dumb, seeing as it seems most settings are saved in those keys.

intresting . i did not nead ot use drive cleaner but intresting. i wil ceap that in mind if i nead ot use drive cleaner in the future ...

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2009, 12:28 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28
i can confirm somwat that it might have been McAfee
i reinstaled and it works fine now .. so the fact that i instald mcafee the other time before i instald the drivers are the most likely reason .

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