1) I don't think you can get 1920x1200 with TH2G; you prolly have to disconnect TH2G to use a single 1920x1200 monitor... Maybe Matrox fixed that ? Hopefully someone using such a setup will confirm (or not)
Not necessary, at least if your monitor has many inputs. I have 3x30" and can easily swap between 5040x1050@57 (th2go) / 7680x1600 (softth) / 4800x2560 (softth) and 2560x1600 without disconnect anything.
I have 1 output --> th2go --> 5040x1050
and three more outputs to the same three monitors, to be able to use native res in desktop and games (only one or all three monitors), switching between monitor inputs.
3x22" native vs 3x24" non native? my opinion is 3x24" wins by far, even if there´s a bit more complication. You even can play 3x24" native in some games (with softth), not even mencion desktop use.
2) My Dell 24" 2405FPW has reasonable scaling from 1680x1050 to it's native 1920x1200. Do you know if the 24" Samsung 2443BW recommended in WSGF monitor list has good scaling from 1680x1050 to it's native 1920x1200?
Dell 30" have very good scaling, so I suppose yours too. Image quality in my case when 1680x1050 non native is pretty good, even with fonts. Not perfect, but way more than aceptable.
3) OK three questions Smile. What 24" monitors have the best scaling from 1680x1050 up to native 1920x1200 that are on WSGF recommended monitor list at:
I have three dell 3008wfp, and as far as I know, I think (but better to be sure) you should not have any problems with your 2405wfp monitors (a good scaler helps).