Widescreen Gaming Forum

Weird Colors everywhere!
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Author:  LeeNux [ 20 May 2009, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Weird Colors everywhere!

So i got my DTH2GO running smoothly, but theres one little thing thats keeping it from being perfect and that is in the max. possible resolution of my displays (3x1440x900) i get all those weird colors everywhere, especially in black and white areas ( mostly green and yellow vertical stripes). ive tried different display-drivers nvidia 180.xx to 185.85whql but its always the same - 3x1280x800 works fine no problems there. well, its not like those few pixels make alot of difference to me, but id sure like to use my screens natively - so any ideas that could help?

ps: im gonna try to make some screenshots and upload them so u can see what im talking about.

edit: okay, made a screenshot, looked at it in another resolution that works and there was nothing to be seen, so it isnt a problem with my graphiccard but rather something that happens between the dth2go and my screens.
gonna try an older firmware after ive completed backing up the current one
edit 2: okay, figured it out by now, one of the dvi cables was screwed and ... well screwed my whole setup. took me ages to get to the most simple reason :evil:

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