Hi all
My TH2Go will be here Monday. I have been reading a lot the last month or so while I have been getting everything together. I read how some have been able to force their monitors to run at 57Hz, even though it wasn't offered in the normal select refresh box. I thought I would try it, but then thought about maybe just using a lower refresh that is shown to be supported by my monitor.
Is it possible for TH2Go Digital to do 5040x1050 at 50Hz?
I don't think my monitor will do 57Hz at 1680x1050 without trying to force it. In Nvidia control panel, when I select 1680x1050, I get the following refresh options:
So if TH2Go can run at 50Hz, I will be happy with that. I loaded that res and refresh and the screen looks fine at 50Hz, so I wouldn't try to force 57Hz if the unit will allow me to run at 50.
If it can't that's fine too, I will just try to force 57Hz and see if it will do it. If not I will run a lower res at 60Hz.
Has anyone tried lower refresh rates?
Thank you :)