Widescreen Gaming Forum

Nv Stereo 3d and TH2Go
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Author:  keltie [ 17 Jun 2009, 08:34 ]
Post subject:  Nv Stereo 3d and TH2Go

Hi all,

I haven't exactly been sitting back watching it unfold - being in Australia makes it a tad difficult to obtain the NVidia stereo kit to try a few things out as I was sure there was going to ways around some of the marketing caveats people are laying down like laws of physics.

However, I came across this thread where it's tackled with some conviction and variation (you might need to log in to see images).

Doesn't help the monitor owners yet but is a welcome sign for the projector users and existing stereo nuts in the short term.


Author:  JKeefe [ 17 Jun 2009, 15:54 ]
Post subject:  Nv Stereo 3d and TH2Go

Clearly the user in that linked post has money and technical knowledge to throw at the problem, but it's still impressive. I didn't realize there was any way to get modern shutter glasses working at 85 Hz.

I got to try nVidia 3DVision at E3, albeit on a single monitor, and it was very impressive. Having that sort of imagery on a triplehead rig would be amazing.

Author:  keltie [ 18 Jun 2009, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Nv Stereo 3d and TH2Go

Yeah, we've been using CrystalEyes specs/emmiters for a few years now with TH2Go. Works great, even at 85Hz. Downside was OpenGL only on Quadro cards (if that's a downside).

Our old Barcos would do anything but I have been using basic NEC DLPs at 85Hz as well with not bad results.

What I found fascinating is that NVidia emitters and specs had issues with some non-certified displays but NVidia emitters and some 3rd party specs didn't!

I'd love to know how the current crop of brighter 1080p DLP projectors deal with it (single screen).

I would also probably suggest that with fast FPS style games (target=pov), its not a bad idea to experience what NVidia are trying to sell (true 120Hz) before new users go their own way. It may be less critical for other styles of navigation.


Author:  Mesh [ 18 Jun 2009, 09:48 ]
Post subject:  Nv Stereo 3d and TH2Go

I still have some eDimensional glasses lying around somewhere. After reading that some were using em with dlp projectors I thought about trying it. What's stopping me is, is there any way it could damage the projector ?

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