Widescreen Gaming Forum

Movies scaling up to side monitors :/
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Author:  Hyunkel [ 04 Jul 2009, 20:21 ]
Post subject:  Movies scaling up to side monitors :/

So some applications, like movies, used to max out on horizontal space, displaying black bars on the top and bottom. Now they can happily take all the horizontal space they want, bleeding over to the side monitors. Any way to fix that other than windowed mode?

Author:  Butch_N [ 04 Jul 2009, 23:56 ]
Post subject:  Movies scaling up to side monitors :/


I found VLC Media Player works best. It allows all types of resolutions and aspects to be set in it's Video settings.
Launch VLC then go to Tools>Preferences>Click to show ALL settings>Source aspect ratio.

You can find tips for setting it up to display just about any way you can imagine in the forums at the VLC forums.

Hope this helps.

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