Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 04 Sep 2009, 21:28 

Joined: 04 Sep 2009, 21:15
Posts: 1
Hi Guys!

Long time reader first time poster :P

Firstly here are my stats so you know what Im on about. Samsung 245B 24" (1920x1200), and Two Hanns G 19"'s (1440x900). Im running Windows 7 64, and I have two 8800GTX's. Im using SoftTH with TF2.

Now I can get the game to run fine, looks good and performance is perfect. However Ive had an issue for a while now I cant seem to solve. Ive googled around and tweaked alot so I think I have the problem pretty isolated.

The left monitor doesnt quite line up with the rest, resolution wise. It seems far more stretched than the others. The Centre (24") is great, and the right one (19") is fine too. Now after alot of tinkering Ive found out its because my left monitor, it thinks, is my default monitor.

Windows, Nvidia, and Ultramon say differently however. Ive tried messing around with the config files (Device ID lines) and unplugging/plugging into different ports at the back of my PC. Nothing seems to work.

The easy way for me to tell I have this issue is the TF2 menu will appear on one of my side monitors, and in game my HUD also appears there. Any ideas?

Finding out my Device ID's would be a great help (no idea how) and finding out how to set them to something else. After trial and error Ive narrowed it down to my left monitor being 0. However my config gives me an error if i set it to 0, or 3. Which there being 3 monitors Id think one of them must be!

Setting my device ids to 1 or 2. Makes the menu bounce between my side monitors but never to my Main monitor! Argh!!

Any help would be GREATLY appreachiated :) and SoftTH is a great piece of software :D


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