well actually what suggest is this, If you use the Duel head you can only use those two LCD's for 1 side view. I would suggest getting another card and hooking up the other two lcd's with there own port. This way you can configure each lcd for the view you want. (u can use a cheap card if you are only using it for your peripherals.
Though, I you are just extending the veiw you have right now, you can go ahead and use a duelhead2go to make a bigger outside view. I kinda am confused as to what you want. anyway, the way you do this is to, take it out of fullscreen mode, then unlock the outside view window. Next extend it over the other two monitor and then hit fullscreen again.
I would like to use triplehead as it is now (3 outside views)
-> from display card output 1
I would like to add dualhead for 2 90" sideviews (left & right windows)
-> from display card output 2
Triplehead has it's own software to run things in FS2004 (you can choose fs2004 from Triplehead software list).
1. If I would like to use also Dualhead same time, do I need to install also all softwares for this? How it might affect for Triplehead settings?
2. When I start up FS2004, how do you think I can see dualhead windows?
I know that there is a possibility in FS2004 to undock window views and drag them into different monitors. This way I could open left and right window views and move them into right displays.
So my question basically is that if I am already using triplehead and when I start up fs2004 with also dualhead connected, what kind of view I might end up having.