Widescreen Gaming Forum

FSX Menus run very slowly
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Author:  BlinkNFG [ 07 Nov 2009, 23:40 ]
Post subject:  FSX Menus run very slowly


Wonder if anyone can offer advice or help.

I have a Matrox Triple Head2go which I use for FSX. However although FSX itself runs fine (I get framerates of 10-20 in the busiest airports with payware scenery and framerates of around 20-40 in normal flight) the menus are incredibly slow.

When I first load FSX it can take up to 5 minutes to just change the time or weather in the main menu. When I return to one monitor the menu is back to normal speed. I don't understand it

Any help appreciated


Author:  Butch_N [ 08 Nov 2009, 04:31 ]
Post subject:  FSX Menus run very slowly

Hi and welcome to WSGF.

That is not normal, at least from my experience.
I see no difference in the amount of time the menus take to work.
Maybe try disabling the fsx config (just rename the extension or something). The game will create a new one the next time you launch it.
This may straighten out the problem.

Author:  BHawthorne [ 08 Nov 2009, 05:13 ]
Post subject:  FSX Menus run very slowly

I guess the first thing to ask is what are your computer specs and OS?

A lot of variables are missing in your question, so it's hard to really diagnose the issue.

Author:  BlinkNFG [ 08 Nov 2009, 14:11 ]
Post subject:  FSX Menus run very slowly

Thanks both for the replies.

I deleted my fsx.cfg file and that seems to have fixed the problem. When I reloaded FSX I got a warning that bglmanx.dll was not working properly (connected to my FS DreamTeam sceneries). I disabled those and everything works fine. I'll re-install them but the menus now work correctly!

thanks again

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