Widescreen Gaming Forum

DH2G Analog cant get 2560x1024 working properly
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Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 24 Nov 2009, 07:28 ]
Post subject:  DH2G Analog cant get 2560x1024 working properly

I just got a DH2G off ebay the older one that is powered from mains power.

I know it supports 2560x1024 and I got it for work (boss paid for it too so it needs to work) the computer at work uses a Intel q965/q963 chipset.

I have a PDF file from Matrox that states the chipset works with this resolution.

The two monitors I have are lenovo thinkvisions that are 1280x1024 each.

Here is the problem I have.

I installed the unit and downloaded the Matrox software/driver stuff from there site. I had 2560x1024 as an option but when I selected it I would not get a full screen image but instead I had a black bar on the left side of the screen on both monitors that is about 3/4" thick.

If I chose 1280x1024 as a resolution I would get a cloned perfect fit image again.

2040x768 fills both screens with a proper span but the resolution is low and non native so it looks like crud and I may as well use one screen.

I figured it was a driver thing so I got the newest drivers off intel's site and with the new drivers 2560x1024 was not even an option to pick from anymore....

So I downloaded all 4 driver versions I could find on Intels site and trying them out now (2 left to go) so far all the older versions let me choose 2560x1024 but I get the black bar....

I think its a driver issue, but is it possible its a hardware issue with the used DH2G?

Ether way I am stumped but need to get it fixed, I made a bit fuss for a long time to get my dual monitor setup at work and if it doesn't work its going to be quite embarrassing.

Edit: Tested it connected to my laptop as a desktop extension it worked properly after it flashed and blinked at me for a couple of minutes. So I am pretty sure this is a driver issue I am facing or incompatibility despite the claims it works by Matrox.

Edit2: Found conflicting documentation from Matrox the system compatibility under there support section narrowed down the system and said it only supports 2048x768 max on the Q965/Q963 (GMA 3000) .... so they probably jumped the gun and had a .pdf floating about that said it does support it when it does not because the earlier versions of the drivers did allow you to select it but it didnt work correctly.

I hope somebody here maybe knows a nice hack/workaround to get it working.

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