Widescreen Gaming Forum

Easy way to switch to one monitor on TH2G?
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Author:  s0phist [ 11 Apr 2010, 21:26 ]
Post subject:  Easy way to switch to one monitor on TH2G?

I have 2 games now (Love, Lead and Gold) which really don't work well with an ultra wide resolution. In LaG's case, setting a lower res for the game in config files doesn't even work, because it does some aspect ratio stuff based on the desktop resolution it seems.


edit: If I set me resolution low I can get one my left most monitor, ideally I would be limited to my center monitor (and not have to swap cables around).

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 11 Apr 2010, 23:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Easy way to switch to one monitor on TH2G?

To get single screen games on the center monitor ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=14184

Author:  s0phist [ 12 Apr 2010, 00:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Easy way to switch to one monitor on TH2G?

Thanks! Also if anyone found this thread searchin for Lead and Gold - you need to go to the settings file which is in C:UsersAppDataLocalLAG_BETAdatasettings

You need to adjust the aspect ratio there, too.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 22 Apr 2010, 10:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Easy way to switch to one monitor on TH2G?

Could you please wrap this up with a set of comparison screenshots and post a Confirmed Solution ? It'd be of great help to the site & visitors ;)

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