Widescreen Gaming Forum

"Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem
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Author:  geneflyer [ 02 Jul 2010, 01:49 ]
Post subject:  "Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem

I have gone through the excellect contribution by elior77 & read threads by others on this forum but have not found a solution to my version of the problem. I have 5040 x 1050 showing as desktop resolution, and listed in the modes for the nVIDIA card, but cannot see it listed in GXM nor in FSX. Here is my setup:
nVIDIA GTX 285 driver 196.21
TH2Go firmware, video table 6.56, PD 2.07
OS Win 7 x64
CPU i7 975
(3) ASUS 225 22" monitors on TH2Go
(1) ASUS 224 22" monitor on 2nd GTX port
All monitors support 1680 x 1050

I set up the custom resolution in nvidia driver exactly per elior77 instruction, refresh set a 59.4, edited deviceinfo.ini. I cannot get FSX to see the 5040 x 1050 resolution. I've been tearing my hair out (what little I have) on this for about 3 days, posted problem on another forum, still not solved. I also tried removing the single monitor, but that made no difference. Can anyone tell me what I have overlooked? Thanks


Author:  Butch_N [ 03 Jul 2010, 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem

Hi and welcome to WSGF :)

Have you tried to manually enter the res you want in the FSX.cfg?
[DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285.0]

Author:  geneflyer [ 05 Jul 2010, 02:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem

Thanks for the suggestion. I did edit fsx.cfg, I have 2 entries, one for GTX 285.0 and one for GTX 285.1. I manually set these individually & together, the computer did not complain, but it had no effect.

Author:  stiletto2 [ 05 Jul 2010, 21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem

Hi Gene,

I have just about the same system as you except it is a 980X and different monitors. I had no problem with the 5040 x 1050 resolution. You mention GXM......I think of everything through Matox Power Desk (64 Bit Version). I assume you have that installed. Does it show your 5040 x 1050 resolution as available in the multi display setup section?

Also can you switch your 3 display monitors to 5040 x 1050 via hot key?


Author:  geneflyer [ 06 Jul 2010, 03:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: "Conclusive 5040 fix for NVIDIA" etc & FSX problem

Stiletto2 thanks for the response. Re GXM, I am talking about Matrox Power Desk. And it does not show 5040 x 1050 as being available to select. 3 x 1680 x 1050 @ 57 is listed in the mode list on output 2, but it cannot be checked. RE hot key to select 5040 x 1050 I do not know what you are talking about. Maybe I missed something here. In windows if I right click on the desktop & choose screen resolution, the three monitors on #2 show 5040 x 1050 in the resolution box. I interpret this to mean that windows sees the 5040 resolution ok. I do not undestand why Power Desk and FSX do not see it.

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