Widescreen Gaming Forum

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 Post subject: Questions about my setup
PostPosted: 10 Mar 2012, 21:59 

Joined: 10 Mar 2012, 21:40
Posts: 3
Well I wanted to implement this on my older setup instead of buying some new graphics cards.
I plan to use the triple head, with two amd graphics cards in crossfire over 3 monitors (1920x1080)

3.4Ghz quad core cpu
(2) Radeon HD 4870 X2 2GB 512-bit
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102768 ( quick link to the gfx cards )

(3) Acer GD235HZbid ( 120Hz monitors, originally thought I was going to build a 3d rig never got around to it)

OS windows 7 64 bit

This rig currently uses all 3 monitors ( non cross fire ), but I have been lusting after a wide screen gaming rig for a while. I just dont feel it is worth buying new video cards when the pc is kind of old it self (2009 ish).

I am at a crossroad though as here it says it does not support the resolution I want( 5760x1080 ):

but on their website it clearly states that it supports it:

I am not quiet sure how the product actually works, I know you hook up the monitors and the graphics cards to it but as it requires Dual DVI, does it come with an adapter to plug into both DVI ports on the card? Or is it just a single DVI cord?
Is it compatible with crossfire?

If it is just one DVI cable I fail to see how one cable is supposed to support 3 monitors off one cable, maybe I am under estimating the bandwidth of DVI, it just seems very unlikely to me.
If anyone could clear this up for me it would be greatly appreciated.


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