Widescreen Gaming Forum

? limited space/yet wall height?, portrait mode for x3 or x2 projectors?
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Author:  rich0550 [ 21 May 2012, 06:49 ]
Post subject:  ? limited space/yet wall height?, portrait mode for x3 or x2 projectors?

what can be done with a wall that is

6' x 11' x 6' that 6 deep 11 across then is there any hope for a full size wall setup in a space like this?

how high is the image going to need to be to fit in that area? could this be done in portrait mode?

I am thinking it not too important to go a full 180? I noticed BlackThorps setup has 13x13 room , if say drop one projector and go with 6 feet less on each side would that be very much less than ideal? Maybe two projects could work also for this? Is this practical possible?

Thanks R

Author:  BHawthorne [ 22 May 2012, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  LED based projectors are the

LED based projectors are the only ones I'd humor for portrait mode. And only then in a 100% blacked out room. I wouldn't readily recommend portrait mode and projectors be mixed because of thermal issues.

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