Performance seems awful. 25-35 FPS in the first mission (kill 6 ghouls) at 5760x1080 using ultra or even high with regular AA. Must be a serious problem with Eyefinity or Crossfire or both. Both GPUs show max usage, though that doesn't necessarily mean it's being used wisely.
For comparison, I get 60-70 FPS in BC2 with max settings and 200+ FPS in Half Life 2 at the same resolution. Something's not right. It looks sort of pretty, but it sure as hell isn't Crysis.
Yea I'm corius to what other peoples performance was like, after playing the beta alot this weekend, I do like it, and I'd definitely consider pre-ordering this now, if it wasn't for this horrid performance.
With a 2600k @ 4.5 and 2x6970's and getting mid 40 fps, on high ish settings at 5292x1050, albeit with big slow downs.
Crossfire seems to just add an extreme amount of microstutter too, more than I've seen in any other game.
On a single screen it was better but still not what I'd expect with the specc of my PC.