[quote][quote]Hi all, just got the game today from my wife for my birthday. It took me a while to get it configured to play on 3 monitors, but I finally did it. I decided to run it at 4800x900. The lens flare issue is a showstopper for me since I'm blind 70% of the time, but I'm hopeful a patch will be released soon.
My question to you pros is the FOV settings and what the peripheral screens should display. For me, the left and right screens really magnify and stretch the image to a ridiculous degree. Using the standard FOV, in the into to the first mission (not the train one) as I sit in the LAV, the guys across from me are normal, but on my right screen, I have a butt and leg of a guy taking up the whole screen. On the left screen, I have a massive face there. As I pan to look at these giants, they render normal and a LOT farther away.
Using the FOV increase app I set my Fov to 90+25. At one point, my squad was lined up at a door waiting for me and I positioned myself so that they were in one of my side screens. They got much bigger and squished down, like midgets (yeah, little people, I know.)
This is my first FPS in triple screen. I've done F1 2011 and didn't really notice this, but it's a very different environment.
Is this normal? If not, is there a setting I am missing or is it just the game not being optimized for triple monitors?
I'd really appreciate any answers you can provide!
The stretch is normal I'm sure. Theres no setting to decrease stretch. Believe it or not its better than most games out there.
Thanks for the reply, I figured as much but wanted to be sure. I'll continue playing with FOV and even resolution settings to see if it makes any difference. For more distant objects, it seems to look just fine. Up close things get weird. 90% of the time I won't be "looking" at those monitors anyway.
On an unrelated note, is there an internal benchmark for BF3 to test settings out?
Yeah most FPS's are like this. Its normal and you'll get used to it. I do not think there is an Internal Benchmark but you could try googling it. I'm just pretty sure there isnt.