[quote]Can we assume that the PCI-E x8 lane can actually reach its theoretical maximum bandwidth?
I think the bandwidth of the PCI-E is the smallest of problems here. With resolutions as high as 3x 2560x1600 (7680x1600) the power of the computer will become a problem a lot sooner, considering that you can't even use SLI. Not to mention that there aren't many people that even have 3x 30" monitors :P
PS. I did some recalculating, the actual bandwidth needed for 2560x1600@60Hz should only be about 1GB/s.
That what I heard of was that the f. g. the performance with 2 8800gtx at GTR2 at 3 x 1600x1200 was worse than 3840x1024 with one 8800gtx card and TH2go.
Is it true, if yes what is the reason when it is not the pcie interface ?