myths wrote:
yea i change them in jpexs, i just cant convert them back to ba2, i can convert them back into the old bsa or bas format whatever it is, just cant get it to go back into the right ba2
btw 113,400 / 21,600 puts it into 5670x1080
You don't have to compile back to ba2. 3840x720 has been fine. The game scales them.
in your Fallout4/Data directory where Fallout4-Interface.ba2 is located create a folder called "interface". Then you can place your modified swf's in there.
then in your "My Games/Fallout4/Fallout4.ini" locate ""sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\" and change it to "sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, INTERFACE\" and the game will now look for loose files in that "interface" fold you created and use them instead of what is in the ba2 file. You can extract the whole ba2 in there or only the swfs you modify.
below is my interface folder zipped up. I THINK I've fixed most of it at this point. I've centered all the menus that were showing up on the left monitor once the header was changed to 3840x720. Just trying to figure out why some of the text on the bottom still shows up huge.
I took out the modified lockpick one since others said it caused a crash. I've not ventured very far with this yet.. just lots of mod swf file -> load game -> check -> exit game -> wash/rinse/repeat
I'm going to start actually playing for a while now.. I'll update this post if I run into issues. If someone uses this please let me know if you run into an issue.
URL REMOVED See my new post! ->