[quote][quote]As stated previously in this thread, screens in span mode have to have identical resolutions. Your solution won't work.
it works, if the vertical resolution is identical. I uised that at my old Radeon 9800pro. One screen was 1920x1200 and the other 1600x1200.
!! Thats some good info right there. :D
Up until now I thought the resolution had to be exactly the same.
Somian is confusing you. He means the max reolution the monitors were capable of 1920x1200 and 1600x1200. That still means that you'd have to run both at 1600x1200. That 1920x1200 native display running at 1600x1200 will be distorted. Don't be mislead, to span both displays the resolutions have to be identical.
To further clarify, you can't mix a TH2G and a DH2G and span them. Or a TH2G and a single 1280x1024 4th montior either. Or 1920x1200 and 1600x1200 either. Span mechanics simply don't work like that. Equal resolutions only for spanning modes.
As confirmation to my statement I just used a Samsung 245BW 1920x1200 as my left monitor and a Dell P1110 at 1600x1200 as my right. When I enable horiz-span it gave me 3200x1200, not 3520x1200.