Widescreen Gaming Forum

Metro 2033
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Author:  StingingVelvet [ 17 Mar 2010, 06:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

FOV and other hack settings work, you have to follow this updated guide:


1.Adjust user settings

There is two user.cfg

One is located in your:

The other is in your steam folder under: userdata/*youraccountnumber*/43110/remote

If you want to tweak any setting under this you will need to edit one, save it, and then copy it over the other.

There is a third in the metro 2033 directory but it is not used.

FOV 60 looks great to me... performance still is meh, despite messing with some stuff.

Author:  Megagoth1702 [ 17 Mar 2010, 12:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Damn, I always get messed up with the FOVs...

I know about that FOV calculator - from horizontal to vertical, but isnt there something like the "default" FOV for 16:10 monitors? (1440x900)

I have the same feeling like in Bad Company 2 before adjusting my FOV, in this game it CANT be right at the moment.

Author:  dmanna [ 17 Mar 2010, 15:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

The fov seems fine for me playing at 1680:1050 res but I have to completly disable my other 2 monitors if I want to play this game. Then turning them back on I have to redo bezel management and its really just a pain in the ass. besides like someone said if this game is running on normal settings with the 360 we should be able to play this game on very high with just 1 5870.

I just saw a recent interview with the lead dev and he said sli will work great with metro but basically said they are still working on crossfire.. cough twimtbp.... With 2 5870's I have to disable a dx11 effect for it to be playable, DOF whatever that is. I didnt notice the difference with it on or off.

Author:  Megagoth1702 [ 17 Mar 2010, 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

DOF = Depth of Field



In DX11 werden die in Echtzeit berechnet, in DX10 sind sie wenn ich mich recht erinnere nur "vorprogrammiert".

Meiner Meinung nach nicht so wichtig fürs Spiel, obwohl ichs auf jeden Fall gern sehen will (DX10 HD4970).

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 17 Mar 2010, 21:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Keep it in english, please... ;)

So, does it work in Multi-mon at all ? Can somebody post screenshots to demonstrate the game's behavior, even if graphics are messed up ?

Author:  dmanna [ 18 Mar 2010, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Keep it in english, please... ;)

So, does it work in Multi-mon at all ? Can somebody post screenshots to demonstrate the game's behavior, even if graphics are messed up ?

Yeah it loads right up in multi monitor and looks great imo and you can tweak the settings so it runs somewhat fluid, the problem is the mouse sensitivity gets all shanked up... if you lower the dpi then your verticle reticle wont move at all.. even lowering dpi the horizontal is way to sensitive in triple wide.

Author:  JohnRebus [ 18 Mar 2010, 06:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

sorry for the double post

Author:  OzHuski [ 18 Mar 2010, 06:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Well I dunno if its my 260GTX physx card or the 10.3a drivers - but I literally cant get metro to run if my matrox is hooked up. If I setup my GTX as the main screen it loads and looks fine, if I load it up on my Matrox setup it minimizes. Took off the matrox and managed to get it to load then, but the FOV was utterly destroyed and crashed my system 10 seconds later.

Gonna play with the .cfg files (now that I know there is more than one) to see if I cant tweak it first then hook back into my matrox.

Also for those who are wondering why this game runs bad on a lot of systems, that would not only be due to the graphics but also PhysX. If you dont have an Nvidia card installed it offloads the work to the cpu - there is no option to turn PhysX off that im aware of. But unlike other games with that option, this is the first game to utilize multiple cores for the work. In the end I can still only imagine it helps the performance but isnt going to be anywhere near as good as having a dedicated PhysX card.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 18 Mar 2010, 07:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Also for those who are wondering why this game runs bad on a lot of systems, that would not only be due to the graphics but also PhysX. If you dont have an Nvidia card installed it offloads the work to the cpu - there is no option to turn PhysX off that im aware of. But unlike other games with that option, this is the first game to utilize multiple cores for the work. In the end I can still only imagine it helps the performance but isnt going to be anywhere near as good as having a dedicated PhysX card.

You can turn off advanced physics, but not physics entirely.

The lack of individual options for video is truly astounding. I don't know when they decided that, but they must have been intoxicated. Patch 1, number 1 should be "allow user control of video options because that's not stupid."

Author:  OzHuski [ 18 Mar 2010, 07:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Metro 2033

Cheers for the heads up! Still having a hell of a time getting the game to even load.. When I do atleast I have options if it doesnt run so great.

Well managed to get it fixed, working in both 5040x1050. Seems pretty smooth so far for me. Outside the mouse being broken and the screen overlay being a little bit fubard, it seems like it was atleast designed with a 3 monitor setup in mind.

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