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Author:  Abram [ 28 Sep 2011, 03:36 ]
Post subject:  On default Ultra settings, i

On default Ultra settings, i got 1-23fps as soon as i started. Though I ahve yet to install teh 11.10 Preview drivers, whcih were released for teh Beta.

Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to create a new Soldier for the game. Thus far, I'm stuck with a soldier using my default EA Master ID, which is pretty lame. I've read and seen screenshots of folks having more than one soldier per Origin account but I have yet to find out how to do it. It really sucks.

MW2 - he stated that all th settings are on Low.

Author:  TJdehya [ 28 Sep 2011, 05:25 ]
Post subject:  Mach1.9pants wrote:all medium

all medium for 580SLI and it sits at about 30, a tough game. Need upgrade :)

Right off to work now :(
Wow, I have dual 570s and I was maxed out @5760x1080 with 40-50fps.
I did notice that at one point my GPUs were only running at 50%.
Next time you play take a look, I can guarantee that's what happened.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Sep 2011, 06:30 ]
Post subject:  Yeah after a restart sitting

Yeah after a restart sitting happily 60 plus.

Author:  tet5uo [ 28 Sep 2011, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  I'm just playing one screen.

I'm just playing one screen. I hate spanned HUD, knowing DICE and their good BC2 surround support they'll a centered HUD in eventually though.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Sep 2011, 07:11 ]
Post subject:  I have gone to one screen cos

I have gone to one screen cos I don't get a mini map in multi monitor... that cannot be abided!

EDIT: I might have to get used to it moving to a new house and I may not have the space for multi mon.. prolly pick up a 2560x1440 27" Dell I guess, the full 30 is too expensive.

Author:  tepescovir [ 28 Sep 2011, 09:43 ]
Post subject:  i'm getting about 30 to 40 on

i'm getting about 30 to 40 on ultra.
60fps with slight drops on low,

But it feels a littlle choppy even with the nvidia beta drivers. and its only using about 50% of my cards on low or medium, but its using all my vram, even on low when using surround.
Looks like the game and drivers still need more optimization.

All played at 6080x1080 with 980x and 3 way 480's in sli.

And i have 3 580 3gb on the way which will hopefully allow me to max it out or close to it

Author:  TJdehya [ 28 Sep 2011, 18:57 ]
Post subject:  CoolMan=GCHQ= wrote:i'm

i'm getting about 30 to 40 on ultra.
60fps with slight drops on low,

But it feels a littlle choppy even with the nvidia beta drivers. and its only using about 50% of my cards on low or medium, but its using all my vram, even on low when using surround.
Looks like the game and drivers still need more optimization.
I had the same issue with the game only using 50%. I couldn't fix it but I restarted my rig and BF3 started using 100% again.

I also have the same issue with no Mini-map or ammo count. I kinda got used to it lol. I started getting a feel for how many bullets I had left but I did severely miss/need my mini-map. I hope someone find a fix.

Some pics.

Attached files

Author:  MEAHT [ 28 Sep 2011, 19:57 ]
Post subject:  Fixed my issued by setting

Fixed my issued by setting the graphic options to medium. Doesnt seem to make the game look any worse either.
Hope this helps

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 28 Sep 2011, 20:02 ]
Post subject:  Fixed what issue? the mini

Fixed what issue? the mini map and ammo? Is it still at the far edge of the screen? And mine was all medium anyway, but I could try low I guess

Author:  skipclarke [ 28 Sep 2011, 20:11 ]
Post subject:  MW2 wrote:Those graphics look

Those graphics look like crap

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