Widescreen Gaming Forum

Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround
Page 47 of 77

Author:  rdunlap [ 02 Dec 2015, 05:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Amon Amarth wrote:
rdunlap wrote:
Amon Amarth wrote:
The latest nVidia drivers did have an impact on SLI scaling, as my FPS seems to be more consistent. However, I still get really unnecessary FPS dips in areas where it doesn't make any sense. For instance, a little town called Goodneighbor, or the museum in Concord, my FPS dips down to the 30's. Doesn't make sense considering it's not part of the game instance, and how small it is compared to the outside environment. Especially the museum where a very small in-door area gives me 30 FPS. I think at this point it's on Bethesda, and they need to patch the game in order to optimize for SLI.

EDIT: Looks like I spoke too soon, seems like this profile is not properly done, and some people are reporting negative SLI scaling, saying that the bits they where using before the driver update gave them much better performance:

Looks like Bethesda and nVidia have more work to do.

Like I said earlier I have seen a general improvement in the small drops i have had Not SLI. A couple of questions if I may. first I am on a 780 TI 4 gig have you noticed the last couple of generation GPU's are the ones having the most problems? I was getting ready to buy a 980 and the wife talked me into waiting till after Christmas I would have been livid had i spent the money to get it only to find the 780 was better. :P are the drivers just not catching up with current hardware?

Second, are you running any texture mods in your setups? I only ask because I had downloaded one from the nexus *(well several) but one was causing strange happenings. a simple high res signs texture replacer. In urban areas where there was lots of signs Fallout was chocking up but not on framerate. it was other things like disappearing arms and weapons once my carry weight went up to 3030 from 330 :?: I took it out and all the strangeness went away. I harbor the suspicion that since Bethesda wrote this game Intending to have it modded they started messing around with crap that was just simple and working before. Now we all know poorly made textures can flush the toilet on your game/GPU but these are reasonably well made and not excessive in size. 2k avg on the signs. I don't even want to see it react to a 4k NPC body replacer like is common in skyrim. Anyhow probably not the forum for it but it relates somewhat to you guys discussion.


I've seen reports of a many different setups with problems that are both on the 700 series of video cards and 900 series. Both SLI and non-SLI, which tells me that Fallout 4 is horribly optimized, and they need to patch it. It's like they released a beta...

As for your second question, no texture mods on my end. If your getting problems, you might need to reinstall the game because of the mod.

It absolutely needed more and wider testing before release day, I keep getting an image of 3 dudes in a back room testing on off the shelf computers and giving thumbs up to every test cycle. :shifty: and NO I use a mod manager to prevent that :P . the alpha 2 of ModOrganizer 2 is actually doing well. My issue was happening when the texture was being used and went away when I got rid of it. I wasnt trashing your card, I STILL want one but have decided to wait out the headaches since my 700 series is handling it better for now.


Author:  flyingdingy [ 02 Dec 2015, 11:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

sd_dracula wrote:
flyingdingy wrote:
what is needed to get this game to work in 5760x1080 with fixes?
it is impossible to make any sense out of this thread.
Now I have given up and are playing it in 1920x1080 with my side vision black

Check page 20. It has a guide on there.

Thank you.
Yes, I've seen it, but in that post it says:
Outdated: Use this http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 79#p162479
and if I follow that link, it is the same story again, outdated, and following that link, we get to page 33
http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 79#p162479
which only link to the fallout4 interface.zip

What I feel is really needed for the noobs out there (like me) is a edited uptodate Step-by-step guide including ALL files (the latest files) and step-by-step IN THE FIRST POST

The way it is now (as far as I can see) is that one have to edit some settings in the fallout.ini (and the other .ini's) , download the interface.zip, and so on...
But I think I have missed something, because when I do that, the game doesnt look good, missing the top and bottom of the screen, ++

A simple step-by-step to get 5760x1080 to work in Fallout 4 would be highly appreciated. (preferably in the first posts for new users searching for this info)
Then the ppl needing to correct for bezel and such can continue reading/tweaking... I dont mind playing with the minor influence bezel correction has (plus that I am using monitors with thin edges so I dont really need bezel correction)

Author:  Toothless Spoon [ 02 Dec 2015, 12:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

I wasn't going to play this game in surround, get enough stutter at 1440p, but is this playable in surround? I've only half-heartily followed the thread

Author:  Haldi [ 02 Dec 2015, 12:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

flyingdingy wrote:
What I feel is really needed for the noobs out there (like me) is a edited uptodate Step-by-step guide including ALL files (the latest files) and step-by-step IN THE FIRST POST

Well yeah... Normally we have a detailed Report in the MasterGameList for this Game with all Steps included.
But... for reasons.... We don't have one yet for Fallout 4.

Author:  flyingdingy [ 02 Dec 2015, 13:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Haldi wrote:
Well yeah... Normally we have a detailed Report in the MasterGameList for this Game with all Steps included.
But... for reasons.... We don't have one yet for Fallout 4.

Ah, sorry, I did not know that. (as I am a fairly new to widescreen gaming and most of the games I play support Surround view natively, thus why I am shocked such a big game title as Fallout 4 did not..)

But it looks like some of you guru's out there have a pretty good working solution by now?
Why not post that in the MasterGameList - and update as better solutions come along?

Author:  Shortykiller [ 02 Dec 2015, 13:43 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Hi Gues

New to this forum... :rockout:

I´ve triede setting up Fallout 4 on 3 minotors as described, and it almost works :-)
But I get this wierd view, not centered on the screen. Only half on the left screen.

I have attached a screenshoot of it..

Any ideas that might help me!?

Best Regardz Shorty

Fallout 4.jpg
Fallout 4.jpg [ 1.27 MiB | Viewed 2956 times ]

Author:  rdunlap [ 02 Dec 2015, 14:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Shortykiller wrote:
Hi Gues

New to this forum... :rockout:

I´ve triede setting up Fallout 4 on 3 minotors as described, and it almost works :-)
But I get this wierd view, not centered on the screen. Only half on the left screen.

I have attached a screenshoot of it..

Any ideas that might help me!?

Best Regardz Shorty

Let me guess you are on nVidia and using Bezel compensation right? If so you are going to have to switch to non bezel corrected till nVidia catches up. :D
EDIT: let me be fair and say it is more likely that Bethesda is the culprit in how they assemble and present the UI. there were some obvious shortcuts taken, especially with the HUD elements layouts that are the biggest problem with the game in tripple-wide environment.

Author:  Kayden [ 02 Dec 2015, 14:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

sd_dracula wrote:
Kayden wrote:
I'm using the new NVIDIA drivers for Win10 and SLI works very well.

Are you using surround also?
Last time I checked surround on Win10 the windows UI was messed up and skewed so I went back to 8.1
Did they fix that do you know?

5760x1080 works at 60fps now at least woohoo!
Does anyone have a link to the files needed to fix the menu I know they're on this page somewhere...

I've been using Win 10 since release and I've never had a problem with 5760x1080. Though if there was a problem for you, I think it might have been fixed in the massive Nov update.

Here are the instructions, again.

1) Download the zip file provided by Haldi in his post - http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 12#p162512 - "Fallout4 - Interface2.zip" - Unzip and copy the file.

2) Go to "Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data" rename interface.ba2 to interface.old and then place Haldi's ba2 file into its place (renaming to interface.ba2)

3) Edit the Fallout4.ini file with:
//was 15.0 - MM fix is 250.0
//was 64.0 - MM Fix is 1300.0
//add these values

4) Save

5) Edit the Fallout4prefs.ini with:
iSize W=5760

Or whatever your width of your desktop is so long as it isn't bezel corrected.

6) Save

7) Run the game

Author:  rdunlap [ 02 Dec 2015, 14:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Kayden wrote:
sd_dracula wrote:
Kayden wrote:
I'm using the new NVIDIA drivers for Win10 and SLI works very well.

Are you using surround also?
Last time I checked surround on Win10 the windows UI was messed up and skewed so I went back to 8.1
Did they fix that do you know?

5760x1080 works at 60fps now at least woohoo!
Does anyone have a link to the files needed to fix the menu I know they're on this page somewhere...

I've been using Win 10 since release and I've never had a problem with 5760x1080. Though if there was a problem for you, I think it might have been fixed in the massive Nov update.

Here are the instructions, again.

1) Download the zip file provided by Haldi in his post - http://www.wsgf.org/forums/viewtopic.ph ... 12#p162512 - "Fallout4 - Interface2.zip" - Unzip and copy the file.

2) Go to "Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data" rename interface.ba2 to interface.old and then place Haldi's ba2 file into its place (renaming to interface.ba2)

3) Edit the Fallout4.ini file with:
//was 15.0 - MM fix is 250.0
//was 64.0 - MM Fix is 1300.0
//add these values

4) Save

5) Edit the Fallout4prefs.ini with:
iSize W=5760

Or whatever your width of your desktop is so long as it isn't bezel corrected.

6) Save

7) Run the game

Kayden Should something be said for fullscreen? windowed has its own issues, especially nVidia surround. For me all of the micro-stutters and all the interface shifts went away when i switched to fullscreen.


Author:  spacepiggio [ 02 Dec 2015, 18:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Fallout 4 Eyefinity/Surround

Shortykiller wrote:
Hi Gues

New to this forum... :rockout:

I´ve triede setting up Fallout 4 on 3 minotors as described, and it almost works :-)
But I get this wierd view, not centered on the screen. Only half on the left screen.

I have attached a screenshoot of it..

Any ideas that might help me!?

Best Regardz Shorty

Mine was skewed to the right & I am running 3 27" with a res. of 5760 X 1080. I had a bezel comp. of 6048 X 1080 so I changed my files to that & it went back to center.
I also can only play in crossfire, I have 2 AMD 7950's 3 gig. OC & when I disabled crossfire the char. kept freezing every 3 steps.

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