Widescreen Gaming Forum

Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?
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Author:  thales100 [ 27 Feb 2011, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

95% < 100% :(

Yes, but lets not forget that he is dedicating his time to develop a free fix for us all, so 95% = great. :wink:

Author:  swn32 [ 27 Feb 2011, 16:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

So here is a comprehensive list for all the ini fixes.
As mentioned, there is no way to fix cutscenes through ini

The FOVs shown here are the default ones. Use FOV calculator to find out the required FOV values. Don't just add 50 to these values.

Change these following values to fix in normal FOV and targeting FOV for most guns
Optionally you can change these FOV values as well to fix spectating

Change these values to fix special weapon zooms

Change these values to fix various other things like run, slide, kick, whip, sniper cam

To fix imprecise mouse behaviour find these lines

   Bindings=(Name=&quot;MouseX&quot;,Command=&quot;Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX&quot;,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
   Bindings=(Name=&quot;MouseY&quot;,Command=&quot;Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY&quot;,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
and change them to
Bindings=(Name=&quot;MouseX&quot;,Command=&quot;Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=0.4&quot;,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
   Bindings=(Name=&quot;MouseY&quot;,Command=&quot;Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=1.0&quot;,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
You can change the speed values to whatever you are comfortable with.

Author:  streetridaz [ 27 Feb 2011, 17:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

[quote]95% < 100% :(

Yes, but lets not forget that he is dedicating his time to develop a free fix for us all, so 95% = great. :wink:

for sure.

Author:  mciviello [ 27 Feb 2011, 17:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

[quote][quote]95% < 100% :(

Yes, but lets not forget that he is dedicating his time to develop a free fix for us all, so 95% = great. :wink:

for sure.

Thanks Hayden You Rock !!!!!!!

Author:  onthemour [ 27 Feb 2011, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

Look at Haydens vid it fixes everything INCLUDING the cut scenes. Those ini tweaks are great but I want a fully working game

Author:  swn32 [ 27 Feb 2011, 19:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

Look at Haydens vid it fixes everything INCLUDING the cut scenes. Those ini tweaks are great but I want a fully working game

At the cost of momentary flickers of default FOV. INI fixes dont have that issue during gameplay. Also to fix the skewed mouse sensitivity, you need to modify the ini files.

Author:  onthemour [ 27 Feb 2011, 20:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

[quote]Look at Haydens vid it fixes everything INCLUDING the cut scenes. Those ini tweaks are great but I want a fully working game

At the cost of momentary flickers of default FOV. INI fixes dont have that issue during gameplay. Also to fix the skewed mouse sensitivity, you need to modify the ini files.
I think that is what hayden is fixing. I don't mind waiting to see. I sent my 6970 back and I am waiting for the asus aftermarket 6970. So right now I have to use my old 5850 oced. I can't turn on aa with this. :x

Author:  streetridaz [ 27 Feb 2011, 22:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

[quote][quote]Look at Haydens vid it fixes everything INCLUDING the cut scenes. Those ini tweaks are great but I want a fully working game

At the cost of momentary flickers of default FOV. INI fixes dont have that issue during gameplay. Also to fix the skewed mouse sensitivity, you need to modify the ini files.
I think that is what hayden is fixing. I don't mind waiting to see. I sent my 6970 back and I am waiting for the asus aftermarket 6970. So right now I have to use my old 5850 oced. I can't turn on aa with this. :x

why can't you run aa with your 5850?

Author:  onthemour [ 27 Feb 2011, 22:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

I can run it with aa but it is not butter smooth all the way. I like games completely butter smooth with vsync d3doverrider. I cannot stand screen tears it makes games look worse than consoles. That is why I am getting the asus aftermarket 6970 with 4 displayports to remove the infamous 69xx dvi/displayport single tear. Plus with that cooler I can really push the oc http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121430&cm_re=6970-_-14-121-430-_-Product

The 5850 is a awesome card for single screens though. I just need a stable card with more ram for aa though

Author:  streetridaz [ 27 Feb 2011, 23:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Bulletstorm Eyefinity Fix?

I can run it with aa but it is not butter smooth all the way. I like games completely butter smooth with vsync d3doverrider. I cannot stand screen tears it makes games look worse than consoles. That is why I am getting the asus aftermarket 6970 with 4 displayports to remove the infamous 69xx dvi/displayport single tear. Plus with that cooler I can really push the oc http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121430&cm_re=6970-_-14-121-430-_-Product

The 5850 is a awesome card for single screens though. I just need a stable card with more ram for aa though

do you have your 69xx on overdrive because with drivers 10.9 and above while using overdrive it does that screen tear. the clocks idle to low and it causes this. I had to create a custom profile to use to get it so it would minimize it with my 5830. it flickers once in a while on the desktop but never in games. What resolution are you playing at. I can pretty much max anything on 1 5830 and use 4xAA or 8xAA and still get 30-40 fps depending on game at 5200x1050.

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