Fun game, but far too easy. The story is as flakey as any other Tomb Raider, but I usually skip cutscenes anyway, and story is never a big part of any game for me.
Excellent in that it had correct multi-monitor support, ran surprisingly well, and the combat was good. I enjoyed the new flavour to it.
The TressFX thign si a great start, but it shaved 12 fps off my framerate and is looked really funny; Her hair floats above the shoulders and it just looks weird. I assume this is to prevent clipping. It also didn't seem to be applied to any other characters. I'd love to see the technology applied to other elements like cloth, particles, etc., It also had some SSAO oddities (though the SSAO was VERY easy on the hardware).
Yes, there's already another one in the works. I just hope it has real puzzles and more boss fights.