Widescreen Gaming Forum

help : system reboot
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Author:  RoyByron [ 24 Sep 2007, 16:24 ]
Post subject:  help : system reboot


EDIT : before thinking about that let me test something, cause its maybe not related to the TH2G :)

I registered here cause I have a (big) problem and maybe someone will have an answer to give me, or some advices to follow.

When I launch any game, after a short time , randomly, (between 10 sec and 3 min), my computer just shutdown and restart alone. (in regular mode 1280*1024 or in 3840*1024, it doesn't matter)

I killed my last mobo (MSI P965 Platinum) + 550W alim because of that rebooting stuff.

I Replaced by a new Motherboard (MSI P35 Neo2) + new alim 750W with two 6pins dedicated to my 8800 GTX Ultra ASUS.

- I tryed to separate the power charge with 2 different plugs sources from the wall.
- I also tryed to remove as most as possible USB devices connected to the computer, and I add a USB Hub auto-powered, in order to free some power.
- Of course I changed the drivers Nvidia to the latest version, as for Windows updates and DirectX10.
- I tryed with another 8800 GTX ultra (PNY) and the problem is the same.

- I have monitored the temperature with RIva tuner, and its usual (67° on idle), 78° on Nvidia Cascade (btw : it does not reboot with Nividia Cascade in triplehead2go).

New mobo, new alim, new GC, new drivers, two different power sources, few USB devices :
Please if someone has a clue, help me, I'm lost.

Btw, the Game HL² : E1, Team Fortress 2 looks awesome, even if I tryed them for some minutes only :(


Author:  NightBlade [ 25 Sep 2007, 04:25 ]
Post subject:  help : system reboot

Perhaps you could try a different brand of PSU, I've never heard of Alim (though then again I'm not really familiar with PSU brands).

Author:  skipclarke [ 25 Sep 2007, 06:16 ]
Post subject:  help : system reboot

I was thinking maybe your proc. You've swapped about everything else. Are you overclocking anything?

Author:  RoyByron [ 28 Sep 2007, 14:50 ]
Post subject:  Cool



I just change my shitty PSU Advance 750W with a new Corsair 520W.
Now everything works fine.
Quality and Price works.

Idle : 70°
Crysis BETA High Option level + Matrox TripleHead2Go on 3 X LCD Flatron 3840*1024 = 80° (alone on the serv)

Happy me :)

thanks to you guys who helped me !


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