Widescreen Gaming Forum

TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs
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Author:  Blackedout [ 28 Feb 2008, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs

Hi, new to forums but I have a matrox triplehead2go analog edition but I currently have a Samsung 22' 226bw that is 16:10 aspect ratio and runs at 1680 x 1050. Im trying to decide if it is worth the money to buy two more Samsungs or go with 3 19' cause they would be about the same price. I hooked up matrox to my 22 and two CRT's that I had and there was alot of stretching in some games.

My question is will there be significant screen distortion if I get 2 more 22inch widescreens, or do you think it would be best to just go with 3 19inch monitors.

What do you think will be the best choice. I mainly play fps games and mmorpg's. If the 19's are better can anyone give me a reccomendation for some nice 19's that work great with triplehead.

Thanks for your time.

Author:  JKeefe [ 28 Feb 2008, 16:55 ]
Post subject:  TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs

If you use it with CRTs on the sides you will definitely get stretching on the center screen. But you can use the TMET to get widescreen resolutions on the Analogue TripleHead2Go.

That won't give you a 16:10 resolution, though. For that (1280x800 x3) you need the Digital TripleHead2Go.

Author:  Blackedout [ 28 Feb 2008, 17:31 ]
Post subject:  TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs

Bah I also forgot to mention when I bought my triplehead2go the cd was broken but I havent had any problems getting the resolutions working. What exactly is on the cd and do I actually need any of the stuff from the CD.

Author:  JKeefe [ 28 Feb 2008, 20:34 ]
Post subject:  TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs

The CD contains PowerDesk SE (desktop management software) and the SGU (Surround Gaming Utility to automatically configure games for triplehead - if it works right). You may or may not want these.

Author:  Blackedout [ 28 Feb 2008, 20:44 ]
Post subject:  TH2G Analog on 22in Samsungs

Thanks for the quick response.

Back to my original question get 2 more 22" widescreens or go with 3 19".

Also I have the analog edition which I wouldn't mind selling for the Digital edition. Woud this be better going digital with the 22" widescreens

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