[quote]With an initial look at it I don't think it's unreasonable. $125-200 range for a projector screen and whatever warping software they use.
Actually the street price in the video I'm pretty sure said 6k.
His website quotes $125-200 range on production model. Yes, and $6k on the prototype....which is nuts. There is only like $75-100 in screen material and a a bit of aluminum frame in it. As a manufacturing engineer, I know $6k is nuts. I could build one of those in an afternoon if I had some rear projection screen by the yard available locally.
Seriously, if you want a much cooler example of half-dome projection check out Paul Bourke's website. He does a bunch of academic research on dome projection. Here is an example:
Here is the index webpage for his multiple papers:
I gave serious thought to building a 270 degree version of his iSphere awhile back for a simpit: