Widescreen Gaming Forum

Help for a lost french newbie!!
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Author:  pierricktpt [ 18 May 2008, 18:03 ]
Post subject:  Help for a lost french newbie!!

Hi Guys!!

I'm so happy to have found your community!!
I'm currently looking for a surround gaming solution but I'm really lost and there is no good forum in France...

My current configuration is:
Processor Intel E6600
BFG 8800GTS OC 320Mb
Old Hyundai L90D+ TFT screen

I would like to have a 3 monitors surround gaming solution.

First question: Is it interesting to have the Matrox Triplehead2Go Digital Edition? Is Softh a better scalable solution?
I've been told that there were some limits on resolution with TH2...
I've also been told that a new version of TH2 must be released with better resolution capacity..

Second question: Which kind of screens use?
My current screen is a 5/4 ratio. Must I buy 3 new screens with no 5/4 ratio? 2 new screen with 5/4 ration to complete my current 5/4 screen?
19', 22', 24'? I've been told than 22' or 24' had "dirty" rendering with the resolution limitaion of TH2..

Thank you in advance for your help!!


Author:  pierricktpt [ 19 May 2008, 22:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Help for a lost french newbie!!

Please help me!! :bowdown

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 19 May 2008, 22:40 ]
Post subject:  Help for a lost french newbie!!

Hello ... welcome to the forum ... :D

Most of the info you are looking for is here ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/7651

Have a read ... I'm sure it will help ... then come back and ask some more should you need to ... 8)

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