Widescreen Gaming Forum

is 2400x480 within the spec of Direct X 7?
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Author:  geniv2 [ 11 Nov 2008, 07:07 ]
Post subject:  is 2400x480 within the spec of Direct X 7?

just wondering. I packed up my monitors and waiting for the delivery of my next batch of monitors to try out. so my gaming machine is down for i think next 5 days.

before that, I was trying to get Aliens Vs Predator 2 and System Shock 2 to work in triple head. at 4320x900 and they won't work. it would just kick me back to desktop.

then I read the review of the Matrox Pehelia video card and it mentioned triple head at 1920x480 (3x 640x480) as max resolution of DX7 and older games.

but since I will be getting widescreen the next logical resolution will be 2400x480 (3x800x480)

do you guys know if that is within the limit of DX7 so I can play AvP2 and SS2 in triple head?

Author:  JKeefe [ 18 Nov 2008, 16:54 ]
Post subject:  is 2400x480 within the spec of Direct X 7?

The DX7 pixel limitation is 2048 pixels, so 2400x480 will not work.

Author:  geniv2 [ 19 Nov 2008, 02:51 ]
Post subject:  is 2400x480 within the spec of Direct X 7?

The DX7 pixel limitation is 2048 pixels, so 2400x480 will not work.

thanks for the info.

I tried 1920x480 (3x 640x480)
and got those pesky older games that I've been trying to get to work since I got my th2g a 3 weeks ago.

- Clive Undying
- System Shock2
- Alien Vs. Predator 2.

though at 640x480 on a 24" widescreen it looks like turd but with 16X AA +16X AF and Vsync make it tolerable.

not sure at such low resolution if it is more enjoyable than 1680x1050 regular

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