Widescreen Gaming Forum

A little help please with "optimizing" F1 2002
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Author:  ricknau [ 30 Dec 2008, 04:56 ]
Post subject:  A little help please with "optimizing" F1 2002

I followed the instructions but "no go". I'm using SGU 2.09 with Win XP. SGU sees that the game as installed.

1. I pick 5040x1050 (which works fine on Grand Prix Legends).

2. I click "optimize". In red letters the optimize window says to download the F1 2002 patch from Matrox website. These are alternate executables that are supposed to replace the original F1 2002.exe and also the 3DConfig.exe. (the unzipped Matrox F1 2020.exe is half the size of the original! )

3. I do the file swap, even though the readme file says these are only for Matrox card users. I have 2 8800's in SLI.

4. I finish the optimization.

5. Now the game won't boot. Error window says Windows has a problem, do I want to report it?

6. If I unswap the original exes all I get is the game title screen for a few seconds then it goes away without starting the game.

7. ???

Author:  MatroxRulez [ 30 Dec 2008, 11:37 ]
Post subject:  A little help please with "optimizing" F1 2002


Try lower resolutions, 3072x768 for example.
Surround Gaming resolutions are hardcoded in "hacked" .exe files.

The patches were originally made for the Matrox Parhelia graphics card and the resolution 5040x1050 was not available at that time...

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