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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009, 08:53 
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006, 14:58
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All the setup pictures & videos I see. I have yet to see anybody using the new bezel management feature.

Do you prefer it without?

I know in a game they kind of vanish because you dont pay attention to them, but it seems like it would still look/play better with it on.

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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009, 09:26 
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Joined: 12 Sep 2007, 19:14
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I use it whenever I can in-game, but some games don't seem to like it. For instance, L4D works perfectly, STALKER requires me to activate BM before launching the game, and I never got it working with Crysis at all. It is a very nice feature, IMO.

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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009, 10:10 
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Crysis.. Ugh I never got it to work with CrossfireX on my system. To this day I can only use 1 of my 4850 cards to play it.

I doubt Warhead is different.

Since I have 2 cards and a single 4850 is strong I am thinking of trying out the SoftTH but I would still have to pull 3 monitors and the space for them out of the woodwork, so its not happening. My wife would much prefer the single 37" and I would to for most things like movies.

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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009, 19:31 
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Joined: 19 Sep 2006, 16:25
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I use bezel management for every game that I can, but like GeneralAdmission said: Some games are just to high up the global hotkey ladder. So when I push the bezel management button (F3 for me) nothing happens. Also since I don't run triplehead on my desktop I can't enable it before the game starts.

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PostPosted: 14 Jan 2009, 22:19 

Joined: 06 Apr 2008, 16:13
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I never use them - I hate to think that I might miss something in that blanked out area. Though I guess it depends on the game you are playing.

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2009, 00:36 

Joined: 08 Sep 2005, 23:22
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I use it for every game that I play.

I find setting my desktop to 3840x1024 and activating it before starting the game is the best way to handle it.

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PostPosted: 15 Jan 2009, 19:51 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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I used to use BM with my 3x19" screens. I looked at the side screens more than I do now with 3x24". Now I very rarely look directly at the side screens and they are just for immersion. So now I don't use BM, esp with the LH monitor bug at 5040.

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PostPosted: 16 Jan 2009, 21:39 
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Joined: 06 Mar 2008, 17:20
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I love BM and I'm so sad (mad) that it won't work 100% in 5040 :( Had to set it to 74 pixels on each side, that's the max value before the left screen's right side gets corrupt, but I'd need 120+ for the 3D scene to look right... which is far more important to me than having black bars on the outer sides of the triple display. It really distracts me when objects seem to inflate under the screen bezels/gaps... BM is definitely what made me buy a DTH2G in the first place.

Interesting issue anyway - maybe we should start a Bezel Managers user group, with its own banner of course :lol: (and t-shirts, and a cool war cry too)

Mobster, using F keys for hotkeys is so last century :oops: I use 'Alt <' for BM and 'Alt X' to cycle through 5040, 3840 and 1680 centered. Gotta love GXM's Hotkeys...

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009, 10:03 

Joined: 18 Oct 2008, 03:58
Posts: 162
I love BM and I'm so sad (mad) that it won't work 100% in 5040 :( Had to set it to 74 pixels on each side, that's the max value before the left screen's right side gets corrupt, but I'd need 120+ for the 3D scene to look right..

That's funny, I'm having the EXACT same problem as you are; i thought it was a problem specific to my monitor or a faulty piece of hardware but I was too lazy to get them exchanged. It's even the exact same number of pixels and monitor and side of it when it starts to scrunch up and over lap..

I had a ton of different issues getting it to work in the first place so I just gave up and decided I'd play without bezels..

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2009, 10:26 
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Joined: 29 Jul 2007, 05:24
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[quote]I love BM and I'm so sad (mad) that it won't work 100% in 5040 :( Had to set it to 74 pixels on each side, that's the max value before the left screen's right side gets corrupt, but I'd need 120+ for the 3D scene to look right..

That's funny, I'm having the EXACT same problem as you are; i thought it was a problem specific to my monitor or a faulty piece of hardware but I was too lazy to get them exchanged. It's even the exact same number of pixels and monitor and side of it when it starts to scrunch up and over lap..

I had a ton of different issues getting it to work in the first place so I just gave up and decided I'd play without bezels..Nope the bezel management issue is a hardware bug, apparently not fixable, at 5040 I am afraid. Matrox know about it.

Dipping bags at Mach1.9

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